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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #10 - 06/21/16 at 17:47:41
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I agree, I don't see a way for Black to equalise against 8.a7 since the rook will be misplaced on a7, allowing key Nb5 ideas later.

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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #9 - 06/21/16 at 09:58:31
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Hi there! This is my first post here...have a look at this pdf + pgn here and the analysis of the Gorm! Wink

-> unfortunatly I am not allowed to post links please go to: London Chess Online Shop / London Chess Magazines / Back Issues: "CHESS Magazine - February 2016 - Defeat, Despair, Dejection - Danny Gormally reports on a tough Hastings for the home players" <-


I think the most annoying variation in the Perunovic are early a6-a7 variations...

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Gut Gambit
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #8 - 01/31/16 at 20:10:18
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The problem, at least for me, with some of these Perunovic positions is that once Black takes on one of these weird, un-Benko like structures, it's harder to evaluate the positions if you're used to just playing the usual stuff.

Very true. Sad enough there is no "autopilot-play" anymore! 
But the statistics seems good for black, and the play is dynamic. 

I apologize for giving fragments of engine games here, but I couldnt find any  games with TonyRo`s suggestions above yet. 


Of course this is nothing conclusive. Rather did it out of curiousity. But black seem to hold up well. Although maybe there is little typical Benko play, as TonyRo points out. I seem to recognize some themes every now and then, and its quite dynamic. Still, its a whole new opening compared to the old ML`s  in Benko proper  Sad

« Last Edit: 02/01/16 at 20:13:31 by GMTonyKosten »  
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #7 - 01/29/16 at 12:49:05
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I noticed this is getting more and more popular these days, its on my list of Benko things to look at soon.
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #6 - 01/25/16 at 04:52:26
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Sort of feels to me like we should analyze 12...dxe6N, which seems a little less loose, e.g. 13.Nb5 Qb7 14.O-O Nc6, when White has a bunch of moves. 13.Qe2 is also possible, but then maybe just 13...Nc6 14.Qxa6 Rxa6 15.O-O Nd7! gives Black good play.

The problem, at least for me, with some of these Perunovic positions is that once Black takes on one of these weird, un-Benko like structures, it's harder to evaluate the positions if you're used to just playing the usual stuff.
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #5 - 01/24/16 at 16:17:28
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Thanks for the response. I agree, if the mainline can be rendered completely playable, the Benko will be in very good shape. Perhaps one could play the Perunovic and Aveskulov lines, while using suggested improvements from Tay vs the Fianchetto and King's Walk lines, as well. You could move from variation to variation which could make preparation against you difficult (as one can play various lines in the French with Nc3 without changing the remainder of the repertoire).
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #4 - 01/22/16 at 21:11:34
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Marcellus wrote on 01/21/16 at 16:21:03:
I guess I'm wondering, for someone below IM strength, if the updated Benko is a good choice...

I am interested in this question too. My current view is that only the Benko accpeted can be critical and that Black holds his own in the Perunovic. At least that´s what the sources tell me I have at hand Wink

On the other hand Aveskulov´s Ideas haven´t found any serious testing in otb games so far, or have they? Perhaps it´s a good idea to be flexible with Black.

Regarding the line played in Flear - Gormally I think there are improvements for Black after move 14 and he can also play 12...dxe6 instead of 12...fxe6 intending to use the d-file later on.

Marcellus wrote on 01/21/16 at 16:21:03:
...for one's main defense.

I would encourage you to continue exploring and playing it. I will certainly do.
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #3 - 01/21/16 at 22:42:38
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As RoleyPoley said; there is this game. 

I think its kind of bad news for black in the modern benko-


« Last Edit: 01/22/16 at 11:45:17 by GMTonyKosten » 
Reason: To make game playable 
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #2 - 01/21/16 at 16:21:03
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Assuming that the Perunovic (or even Aveskulov's variation which he provided in the electronic versions of his "Attack with Black") continue to hold up for Black, is there any reason not to play the Benko? It seems to me that recent works by Ramirez, Tay, S. Kasparov, et al show that Black can play solidly or aggressively against 5 b6, 5 f3, and 5 e3, for example. Likewise, Ramirez shows that 2 Nf3 c5 can be played aggressively for Black. Are there any other problem areas beyond the accepted lines?
I guess I'm wondering, for someone below IM strength, if the updated Benko is a good choice for one's main defense. I like that Black often gets the initiative and the piece setups/plans can often be similar in the different variations. Any opinions?
« Last Edit: 01/21/16 at 23:21:16 by Marcellus »  
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Re: Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
Reply #1 - 01/02/16 at 14:55:01
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Gormally is playing this variation against Glen Fear at Hastings right now (just started).

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Perunovic variation/ Modern Benko
12/26/15 at 21:51:02
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I hope there is someone that can compare the statistics I get from TWIC with Megabase 2016 in the Perunovic/ Modern Benko variation. The moves usually played is this: 

Now, in my TWIC it says:

1-0     = 16  = 46%
Draw  = 34
0-1     = 21   = 54%

71 games in total when I filter the players by 2200. 

If I filter the player at 2500 its 8 games and 53/47 in whites favour. Quite normal.  

So its the Modern Benko (Flear) or the Perunovic variation here to stay according to the Megabase 2016, or what? I d hope so

« Last Edit: 12/27/15 at 09:52:47 by Gut Gambit »  
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