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Re: The Two knights - how good is this line?
Reply #5 - 06/01/17 at 19:27:37
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Its a very decent try for White
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Re: The Two knights - how good is this line?
Reply #4 - 12/12/16 at 10:54:25
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What's the best try for an edge meant to be after 3...Nf6 4 e5 Ne4 - ? 5 Ne2 Qb6 6 d4 c5 etc. seems like it's more than okay for Black and 5 d4 Nxc3 6 bxc3 e6 seems alright too. Is 5 Qe2 Nxc3 6 dxc3 followed by Bf4 and 0-0-0 a decent attempt?
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Re: The Two knights - how good is this line?
Reply #3 - 07/11/16 at 05:33:31
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Thanks Guys.

I dont have that book (must be the only one i dont have lol ), and had forgotten it had been mentioned in an earlier thread on the line. Apologies for that.


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Re: The Two knights - how good is this line?
Reply #2 - 07/11/16 at 00:21:40
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The answer to the subject line is "good enough."

RoleyPoley wrote on 07/10/16 at 19:02:51:
I've only ever seen the Advance, or Panov lines recommended In repertoire books for white. Does anyone know why this may be?

Two reasons:
1. Author discretion.   
2. Your research was not comprehensive.

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Re: The Two knights - how good is this line?
Reply #1 - 07/10/16 at 22:56:31
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Well, it was recently recommended in Sveshnikov's Blitz/Rapid repertoire book. I think it is a pretty good shortcut line, but I am hard pressed to find an edge for White after 3...Nf6.

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The Two knights - how good is this line?
07/10/16 at 19:02:51
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I don't know anything about this line but was under the impression it wasn't a strong line for white...yet when looking at the repertoire's of two players whose games I am thinking of studying, I saw they both played this as their main line against the CK.

Maybe i'm mistaken but wasn't this the line that Fischer played, and led to being teased by the Russians?

I've only ever seen the Advance, or Panov lines recommended In repertoire books for white. Does anyone know why this may be?

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