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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move (Read 52205 times)
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #24 - 08/12/16 at 16:58:24
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The book is not comparable with Jones att all, is aimed for an other audiens.
The book covers every single system in the Dragon, including lines like Bc4 yugoslav with Qb8.
Burnett variation is covered but Burnett declined is not and accepted version only lightly covered.
The e5 Rb8 line in 9-0-0-0 line there is nothing new, the best line the book gives is a better endgame for white.
The book may be usuefull for introducing, explaning moves and give overview of Dragon but I am not shure of it as a repertoar book.
So If one is serioes and owns Jones book go for it instead.

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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #23 - 08/12/16 at 15:52:46
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bragesjo wrote on 08/12/16 at 10:38:56:
I got this book today. Any questions about any concrete lines?

I had one here:

I am happy to repeat it:

Which line in the Karpov system (Be2, Bg5) does maintain equality for Black according to you?
What does this book say about it?

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #22 - 08/12/16 at 12:52:31
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bragesjo wrote on 08/12/16 at 10:38:56:
I got this book today. Any questions about any concrete lines?

First look indicates that my white pet line s Dragon is covered very little.

Could you tell us if it's worth to buy despite that one owns GM Jones books, please? Is there anything new and good for White in 9.0-0-0 d5 12.Bd4 e5 variation? How he sees the Chinese Dragon - sound enough? Is Burnett Declined that is 12.Kb1 mainline with 15. g5 Nh5 16. b3 b4 17. Nd5 included? Is there a lot of contribution from the author/is there anything new in the book?
Thank you very much!
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #21 - 08/12/16 at 10:38:56
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I got this book today. Any questions about any concrete lines?

First look indicates that my white pet line s Dragon is covered very little.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #20 - 07/31/16 at 03:08:22
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Some companies are laughable. I do not wanna say anything about certain GM whose main line book was refuted. In his DVD this GM smiles much more than explains each of the moves. I am very respectful of the GM, but I don't buy DVDs to see a GM smile.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #19 - 07/29/16 at 02:48:31
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The introduction is dated July 2016. 
Really no games for 2015 / 2016?
If finished 2015, the date should (would?) not be 2016.

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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #18 - 07/28/16 at 11:17:59
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Perhaps someone from Everyman (Jon Tait?) can comment here?
Or someone can write to Everyman to query this?
Bad form if it is from 2014, I think. 
One hopes that publishing companies have integrity, and one assumes this not to be the case...?
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #17 - 07/28/16 at 07:17:01
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Seeley wrote on 07/27/16 at 21:17:29:
TD wrote on 07/27/16 at 21:02:19:
AJWZ wrote on 07/27/16 at 19:14:22:
First notice: bibliography - no recent books by Jones or Negi included

Very strange indeed. And there seem to be no games after 2014.

Perhaps the book was written some time ago but the publishers preferred to delay publication so as to avoid a clash or near-clash with the publication date of Jones's two-volume work. I realise the intended audience is different but, even so, perhaps they felt buyers would be more likely to choose one or the other work if both came out at the same time, and more likely to buy both if there was a time interval between them. This would explain both the omission from the bibliography of the titles mentioned above, and also the absence of games from later than 2014.

I agree - probably that's the case: first publication date was October 2015. 
The book still will be valuable for those making first steps in the Dragon to learn some patterns through extended pros and check which line they like the most. Then one can delve into Jones books to see the most reliable lines. 
I won't buy it but will probably have a look at it when buying for my friend.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #16 - 07/27/16 at 21:17:29
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TD wrote on 07/27/16 at 21:02:19:
AJWZ wrote on 07/27/16 at 19:14:22:
First notice: bibliography - no recent books by Jones or Negi included

Very strange indeed. And there seem to be no games after 2014.

Perhaps the book was written some time ago but the publishers preferred to delay publication so as to avoid a clash or near-clash with the publication date of Jones's two-volume work. I realise the intended audience is different but, even so, perhaps they felt buyers would be more likely to choose one or the other work if both came out at the same time, and more likely to buy both if there was a time interval between them. This would explain both the omission from the bibliography of the titles mentioned above, and also the absence of games from later than 2014.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #15 - 07/27/16 at 21:02:19
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AJWZ wrote on 07/27/16 at 19:14:22:
First notice: bibliography - no recent books by Jones or Negi included

Very strange indeed. And there seem to be no games after 2014.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #14 - 07/27/16 at 19:14:22
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First offers and an excerpt on

First notice: bibliography - no recent books by Jones or Negi included

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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #13 - 07/27/16 at 13:58:39
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I my first Dragon repertour I went for e5 line but theory developed.
I switched to Nxc3 line and later swithed opening. I have never played Bxd4 line since its not my taste

In Nxc3 line black can get very good compensation for the pawn if white does not play very very accurate.
I won a few nice games with it.
However white can get a += queen endgame in some line.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #12 - 07/24/16 at 16:56:05
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The 12...e5 lines are interesting. But throughout the years they were not much of my taste. Especially when white plays Bc5, then installs a knight on e4 and plays g4. The pre-endgame with 12..Bxd4 13.Qxd4 Qb6 looks interesting. But not much to my taste either. For me sounds much more interesting 12..Nxc3 13.Qxc3 Bh6+ 14.Be3 Bxe3 15.Qxe3 Qb6. What you guys think?
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #11 - 07/22/16 at 21:50:59
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AJWZ wrote on 07/22/16 at 10:42:00:
bragesjo wrote on 07/22/16 at 07:42:11:
If he could make e5 playable, particullery the old Rb8 line, I would return to Dragon at no time!

12...Bxd4 lines are good enough too - I checked them myself and found many ways when White can go wrong. Black has a7&c6 pawns weak but White pawns on the kingside are also quite weak: after h4 Black queen can jump to g3, after g4 Black knight has a good square on f4 and f3 pawn is weak. Moreover, a Black knight on d5 feels comfortable and if White plays c4, it weakens the White king position. Generally, the point is not to trade queens and you're good and if White goes all in on the queenside, Black might be quicker with pawns promotion on the kingside. 
Black has an active play for static weaknesses. What about G. Jones book lines - not convincing enough?

It doesn't bother me at all in regards to the Dragon's soundness.  What bothers me is that the author is still calling the ...e5 variation the mainline.  I'd prefer he called it the old main line or something else.   

I'm sure Black has winning chances in the alternative variations but they're not really to my taste.  When you're weak like myself, you need tactical chances for a mating attack or win a rook for no compensation.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #10 - 07/22/16 at 10:42:00
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bragesjo wrote on 07/22/16 at 07:42:11:
If he could make e5 playable, particullery the old Rb8 line, I would return to Dragon at no time!

12...Bxd4 lines are good enough too - I checked them myself and found many ways when White can go wrong. Black has a7&c6 pawns weak but White pawns on the kingside are also quite weak: after h4 Black queen can jump to g3, after g4 Black knight has a good square on f4 and f3 pawn is weak. Moreover, a Black knight on d5 feels comfortable and if White plays c4, it weakens the White king position. Generally, the point is not to trade queens and you're good and if White goes all in on the queenside, Black might be quicker with pawns promotion on the kingside. 
Black has an active play for static weaknesses. What about G. Jones book lines - not convincing enough?
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