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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move (Read 52204 times)
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #9 - 07/22/16 at 09:50:20
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Glenn Snow wrote on 07/22/16 at 02:36:52:
I'm sure the book has a lot to offer but the following sentence bothers me a bit, "In Games 30 and 31, we enter the ‘real’ main line after 12...e5 13 Bc5, which has been the topic of discussion for many years."  That certainly used to be the main line of 9.O-O-O but since Black is close to lost after 12...e5 it certainly isn't the main line anymore.

That sentence bothers me too.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #8 - 07/22/16 at 07:42:11
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If he could make e5 playable, particullery the old Rb8 line, I would return to Dragon at no time!
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Glenn Snow
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #7 - 07/22/16 at 02:36:52
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I'm sure the book has a lot to offer but the following sentence bothers me a bit, "In Games 30 and 31, we enter the ‘real’ main line after 12...e5 13 Bc5, which has been the topic of discussion for many years."  That certainly used to be the main line of 9.O-O-O but since Black is close to lost after 12...e5 it certainly isn't the main line anymore.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #6 - 07/20/16 at 21:14:51
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pichorro wrote on 07/19/16 at 12:31:49:

I have the impression that a highly complex opening such as the Dragon Sicilian cannot be fully explained in a 'Move by Move' book, but at least I guess this can be a good introduction.

bragesjo wrote on 07/19/16 at 15:08:47:

I am a bit sceptical about a move by move on the dragon as repetour book. 

The book might end as a good companion to GM Jones fundamental Dragon coverage. Carsten Hansen won't cover everything but if he manage to choose the most important lines/games, explain the ideas really well (e.g. why one shouldn't bother about weak pawns on a7&c6 in 9.0-0-0 12.Bd4 Bxd4 main line - what's "the compansation") and find some new ideas/improvements nobody will tell a bad word about the book. This is my wish about the book. Time will tell.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #5 - 07/19/16 at 19:42:24
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bragesjo wrote on 07/19/16 at 15:08:47:
I am a bit sceptical about a move by move on the dragon as repetour book. 

Too much concerete lines, particullary Bc4 yugoslav and 9 0-0-0 yugoslav, and than add explanations and exercises the book would become 2000 page long. I will buy it when it comes for old times sake.
I would recommed something like the old book "Secrets oif Sicilian Dragon". It was not a repertour book but it had ideas form both sides.There was even a secoend edition under some new name but it did not covered new ideas the had been discovered in lines that did not exists back then.

Andrew Martin tried to write a starting out book about Sicilian Dragon but as I recell it was nto a convincing repertour on to few pages.

Was it the one by Sneider or by Gufeld and Stetsko? 

My inspiration was from Ward's books. They weren't anywhere near 400 pages from what i can remember but got me playing confidently. Shame the lines werent sound   Cheesy

I've still got to read Eddie Dearing's book on the Dragon, must do so soon

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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #4 - 07/19/16 at 15:08:47
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I am a bit sceptical about a move by move on the dragon as repetour book. 

Too much concerete lines, particullary Bc4 yugoslav and 9 0-0-0 yugoslav, and than add explanations and exercises the book would become 2000 page long. I will buy it when it comes for old times sake.
I would recommed something like the old book "Secrets oif Sicilian Dragon". It was not a repertour book but it had ideas form both sides.There was even a secoend edition under some new name but it did not covered new ideas the had been discovered in lines that did not exists back then.

Andrew Martin tried to write a starting out book about Sicilian Dragon but as I recell it was nto a convincing repertour on to few pages.

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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #3 - 07/19/16 at 12:31:49
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I have the impression that a highly complex opening such as the Dragon Sicilian cannot be fully explained in a 'Move by Move' book, but at least I guess this can be a good introduction.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #2 - 07/18/16 at 20:22:23
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Excelllent. I thought the project may have been scrapped after it didnt come out in April, and i couldnt see a release date. It's due out August in Europe.

"As Mikhail Tal would say ' Let's have a bit of hooliganism! '"

Victor Bologan.
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Re: Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
Reply #1 - 07/18/16 at 15:36:20
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It's hard to tell from the excerpt anything about quality of the book. It's interesting/surprising that he didn't concentrate on narrow repetoire for Black as even the narrow would be a big one. Maybe he wanted to point why some lines aren't good - probably the only thing that excellent GM Jones books are lacking sometimes (for example: Jones chose 12...Bxd4! in the 9.0-0-0 mainline but said nothing, not even briefly, about 12...e5?! and 12...Nxc3!?)
We can only trust in Hansen name as he produced some very good books in the past, including the one about the Accelerated Dragon.
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Sicilian Dragon: Move by Move
07/18/16 at 09:17:24
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