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Guy from Russia
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #14 - 05/17/19 at 16:03:33
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Very interesting; thx for your input, @guyfromrussia.
What's his opinion about 7.Nd5!?

7.Nd5 is OK, after 9.a4! white has a small advantage.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #13 - 05/17/19 at 10:05:59
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That's interesting to read 'Guy from Russia'.
Perhaps this may have been an attempt to condense - an editorial decision to make the product more accessible in the English edition?

I wonder:

Is there much actual chess content missing? Not stuff about his computer (which is admittedly somewhat interesting, in passing) and not further jibes about Svesh. I mean actual omitted variations.
I have the English version btw. I find it very impressive. Huge respect to Timoschenko.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #12 - 05/17/19 at 09:27:22
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Very interesting; thx for your input, @guyfromrussia.
What's his opinion about 7.Nd5!?

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Guy from Russia
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #11 - 05/16/19 at 09:54:20
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Dear chess friends,

Let me add some important information about the book "The Chelyabinsk Variation" by GM Gennadi Timoshchenko. I am very sorry, but you have got slightly wrong info from Russia due to Mr. B.Gleizerov, the translater of the book. So. :'
   1) The original book in Russian has 650 pages of big format 16.5x24 cm, the English version has only 440 pages. The translation of Mr. Gleizerov is only shortened and adapted version of the original book. Some very important things are vanished completely or have been changed by absolutely unacceptable way.
   2) In English version in the beginning of the page 20 you can read that GM Timoshchenko promises to explaine enormous number of blunders in Sveshnikov's book in the next part of the book "Thou Shalt Not Make unto Thee Any Graven Image" ("Не сотвори себе кумира", 40 pages long in Russian book). But this important part of the Russian book (may be the most interesting one!) is completely absent in English version. They say that in Russia after reading this part many people stopped to by any book of GM Sveshnikov... Sad
   3) On the page 16 you can read the phrase that GM Timoshchenko worked with "a quad core engine" (this phrase completely absent in Russian book). It looks really strange after he a few time told that he worked with the supercomputer, isn't it?
    It is very far from the text of Russian book. GM Timoshchenko devoted more than one page to describe in details his 16-core computer with 2 server Xeon-processors. There are two photos confirming superpossibilities of this PC. For example, one photo shows 48606 kilonods per second for the opening position. As I understand it is unreachable speed of calculating for 99,9% of computers till now! Shocked
  4) In the very end of the chapter "About the Name of the Variation" GM Timoshchenko writes in Russian version: "I believe, there are three fine possibilities. The first one is the "Chelyabinsk variation" which eternalizes the achivement of the Chelyabinsk chess school".
   Mr. Gleizerov completely has changed the opinion of GM and instead of "Chelyabinsk" twice inserts "Sveshnikov". Looks very strange, the whole book of GM Timoshchenko tells us that such a name of the variation is not completely correct.
   By the way, as I know, the Sveshnikov chess school das exist only for young players, and they have not any noticable achivements till now. 
    In the very end of the chapter Mr. Gleizerov one more time wrote "Sveshnikov variant" (absents in Russian book).

   And so on, I have leafed over 63 pages only.
   So I am very sorry one more time, please send all your question not to Mr. Timoshchenko but to the translater of his book Mr. Gleizerov.
   Excuse me for my English.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #10 - 10/30/18 at 15:40:49
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Today I got the English edition. Just had a quick look, maybe I overlooked something.
Every second line a shot at Sveshnikov. He doesn't seem to mention any other books. 
The newest quoted game I could find is from 2011, most are older.
He claims to have created a new standard for opening books having used a "supercomputer". On the next page he details this as Houdini 2 pro running on a quadcore PC ?!
Strange book.
Another strange example: In the Novosibirsk he claims an edge after 11. Ne3 Ne7 12. c3! but after 11.c3 Ne7 only mentions 12. Nxe7.

But it's not without humor. Beginning the chapter on 10.-f5 (no Novosibirsk) he writes
"You probably already miss my references to the fundamental book by Sveshnikov. The explanation is really very simple: He devotes less than two pages to the move 10.-Bg7, one that we have been discussing in the last 18 chapters, so I had nothing to which to refer"

As already said he doesn't mention any other authors at all.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #9 - 03/23/18 at 21:33:47
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There were a lot of shots at him. And that was on a small sample size. The two must have a very bad relationship.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #8 - 03/23/18 at 11:14:38
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I noticed a shot at Sveshnikov in the text. Ouch.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #7 - 03/23/18 at 08:45:58
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Looking at it again, I cannot tell for sure if it's a repertoire book or not, but if it is, I guess that explains the absence of the Novosibirsk. 

It seems like everyone recommends 10...f5, so it would be nice to have some coverage of 10...Bg7 as well (assuming it's still playable).
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #6 - 03/23/18 at 08:41:26
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200 chapters!! 

I'm still working through Kotronias' book, so I doubt I will add this one to my collection anytime soon (probably never). 

It looks like a pretty comprehensive overview of the entire opening, but based on the excerpt, isn't the Novosibirsk missing?
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #5 - 03/22/18 at 20:03:01
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Bibs wrote on 08/13/16 at 01:35:58:
Perhaps QC are franchising - name and design? 
Or are Russian Chess House just, well, taking the p***? 

Taking the p*** I'm afraid. There was a post about on the Quality Chess blog at some point, they had some discussion and the publishers agreed to not copy the GM Rep style.

That wasn't too clear and I can't edit the post it seems: to be clear, Quality Chess talked to Russian Chess House after this was published and RCH agreed not to do it anymore.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #4 - 03/22/18 at 20:00:24
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Bibs wrote on 08/13/16 at 01:35:58:
Perhaps QC are franchising - name and design? 
Or are Russian Chess House just, well, taking the p***? 

Taking the p*** I'm afraid. There was a post about on the Quality Chess blog at some point, they had some discussion and the publishers agreed to not copy the GM Rep style.
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #3 - 03/22/18 at 11:27:22
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Obviously Timoscenko searched & found a new publisher for his book,
Russell Enterprises has annouced this book now for September 2018.
There´s already an excerpt with a ToC and a foreword by Garry himself:

tracke Smiley
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #2 - 08/13/16 at 01:35:58
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Perhaps QC are franchising - name and design? 
Or are Russian Chess House just, well, taking the p***? 
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Re: GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
Reply #1 - 08/12/16 at 16:33:08
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IM Translator converted it into English as this:   
"Grandmaster Repertoire. Sicilian Defense. Chelyabinsk option Timoshchenko GA Publishing house: Russian CHESS House".  The web page states that is was printed, 2016, and it does look like a QC book.  You may want to ask QC: ""
Do not see it listed on the English website.
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GM REP: The Chelyabinsk Variation by GM Timoscenko
08/11/16 at 18:28:17
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One of the pioneers of the variation in the 70s wrote a book that seems to be a QC publication - 656 pages in QC-layout and format, hardcover:

There are 3 basic differences: the book is written in Russian only, it's almost 3x cheaper than normal QC hardcovers and a foreword was written by G. Kasparov!

I wonder if and when (and published by whom!) it will be released in English.

Anyone got it? What's your impressions?
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