The Easiest Sicilian (by Kolev and Nedev, I think), not The Sharpest Sicilian, is the repertoire book about the Sveshnikov. The Sicilian Sveshnikov, by Kotronias, is another repertoire book, and it's more up-to-date and more thorough. Both of these contain relatively little discussion of ideas and themes. An older book worth considering is Easy Guide to the Sveshnikov Sicilian (Aagaard) (published 2000), which has a very good section on themes and ideas. However, you might find it a bit thin on theoretical detail and it is, of course, likely to be outdated in parts. The very best work on this opening, though, IMHO, is Rogozenko's The Sveshnikov Reloaded from 2005. It is not a repertoire book, so it covers everything, including lots of interesting sidelines that never became fashionable but which are nonetheless very playable. On a more general note, just so that you're aware what a mammoth task you're taking on, my guess is that, at 1900 Elo, considerably less than half of your 1.e4 c5 games are going to end up as Sveshnikovs, so, even after you've worked your way through all your Sveshnikov stuff, there will still be tons to do to have a viable defence to 1.e4. You will face plenty of 3.Nc3s and lots of Rossolimos, not to mention all the Closed Sicilians and 2.c3s, and you're going to need to have something ready against those.