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Poll closed Question: What is Your Vote for the Opening Book of the Year 2016?
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Collins, A Simple Chess Opening Repertoire for Whi    
  11 (8.5%)
Cummings, The English    
  16 (12.3%)
Delchev/Semkov, Attacking the English/Reti    
  2 (1.5%)
Dreev, Bf4 in the Queens Gambit and Exchange Slav    
  5 (3.8%)
Kuzmin, The Zaitsev System    
  6 (4.6%)
Mikhalevski, Beating Minor Openings    
  4 (3.1%)
Negi, 1.e4 vs the Sicilian III    
  7 (5.4%)
Ntrilis, Play 1.e4 e5    
  44 (33.8%)
Pert, Play the Ragozin    
  6 (4.6%)
Shaw, Playing 1.e4 -- Caro-Kann, 1..e5    
  12 (9.2%)
Smirin, Kings Indian Warfare    
  14 (10.8%)
Solozhenkin, The Spanish Main Road    
  3 (2.3%)

Total votes: 130
« Created by: LeeRoth on: 04/01/17 at 14:09:20 »
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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016 (Read 64233 times)
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #13 - 02/04/17 at 15:00:19
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I would like to nominate Dreev, Bf4 in the Queen's Gambit and the Exchange Slav, Chess Stars 2016.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #12 - 02/04/17 at 14:55:05
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I nominate 
Cummings: The English 
Everymanchess 2016 

He explains well why he chooses some lines and rejects others. 

Excellent Introduction/thematic index, for instance   
IQP and against IQP, Maroczy Bind, two bishops, 
against Blacks doubled f-pawns, 
Kingside attacks with g2-g4-g5 or h2-h4-h5. 

Excellent guide to moveorder problems. 

Tells the reader in which lines it is most important to stay informed about new developments. 

Avoids most Fianchetto lines because there are already the excellent books written by Marin and Tony Kosten. 

It is easy to replace parts of the repertoire with d2-d4-mainlines if you want to do so. 
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #11 - 02/04/17 at 11:32:40
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Doesnt seem to be as many entries as we normally have. 

Is that because there are fewer opening books published in 2016 or that Lakdawala has written most of them  Grin

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #10 - 02/01/17 at 04:48:32
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Thanks for taking this on this year! I'm sorry I haven't been around more, but personal life matters got in the way. 

I'll try to be around a bit more now that things are settling down a bit for me.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #9 - 01/17/17 at 02:53:10
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Attacking the English/Reti A Black Repertoire with 1...e5/1...d5
by Alexander Delchev and Semko Semkov from Chess Stars

is my nomination. It is more handy for a 2000+ player compared with the book of Victor Mikhalevski and teaches much more than to play two openings with black.

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #8 - 01/14/17 at 19:15:11
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As a counterwight to Quality Chess I would like to propose a book from Gambit.

Please do not missunderstand me. I love Quality Chess and I buy most of their books. They are exactly what they say - quality chess

During 2016 Gambit published "A Simple Chess Opening Repertoire for White" by Sam Collins.
It is a wonderful 1.e4 repertoire focused on creating IQP positions.
I wholeheartedly recommend this wonderful book/repertoire. Not only to aquire a repertoire but to get a repertoire deepening your chess understanding. (If you actually play it, that is). 
With this book together with Alex Baburin's and Ivan Sokolov's books on IQP you really will "learn for life" as they usually say about repertoire books. 

What kind of proof is that?
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #7 - 01/12/17 at 19:49:49
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Paul Brondal wrote on 01/12/17 at 14:15:12:
I don't know if you will accept this as an opening book but Smirin's King's Indian Warfare will definitely get my vote. It is absolutely fantastic!

I think it should count.  Quality Chess lists it in the "openings" section of its website.
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Paul Brondal
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #6 - 01/12/17 at 14:15:12
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I don't know if you will accept this as an opening book but Smirin's King's Indian Warfare will definitely get my vote. It is absolutely fantastic!
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #5 - 01/09/17 at 08:16:59
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In addition to those already nominated, I have found the following two books to be excellent:
Playing the Ragozin, by Richard Pert (Quality Chess)
Beating Minor Openings, by Victor Mikhalevski (Quality Chess)

Richard's book was published at the end of December, so some people may not have had an opportunity to see it yet. This seems to happen every year! 

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #4 - 01/08/17 at 20:47:43
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Fllg wrote on 01/08/17 at 20:43:53:
Playing 1.e4 e5 will probably get my vote but I will nevertheless add another nominee:

Playing 1.e4 by John Shaw/Quality Chess.

Sermdon´s book on the Scandinavian may be good (I haven´t seen it) but I´m afraid the opening itself may be not. In my view Shaw´s recommendation puts the line 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Bg4 more or less out of business.

I was nominating Smerdon's book when i found out it is copyrighted for 2015, so i've had to withdraw it Sad

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #3 - 01/08/17 at 20:43:53
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Playing 1.e4 e5 will probably get my vote but I will nevertheless add another nominee:

Playing 1.e4 by John Shaw/Quality Chess.

Sermdon´s book on the Scandinavian may be good (I haven´t seen it) but I´m afraid the opening itself may be not. In my view Shaw´s recommendation puts the line 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Nf6 3.d4 Bg4 more or less out of business.

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #2 - 01/08/17 at 20:34:17
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LeeRoth wrote on 01/08/17 at 19:24:32:
Time for the annual vote!

We normally begin with nominations followed by a poll.

Opening books only.  DVDs also count.  Must be published/copyrighted in 2016.

Thanks Lee for getting this year's under way.

I'll have to go and see which of my books i bought are from 2016. 

This one might be the first time we've included DVDs which should make things more interesting!


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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #1 - 01/08/17 at 19:29:47
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I'll open the nominations with Nikos's Play 1.e4 e5.

I had been looking to add 1..e5 back to my repertoire and Nikos's book was a godsend. Clear, concise, and cohesive.
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ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
01/08/17 at 19:24:32
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Time for the annual vote!

We normally begin with nominations followed by a poll.

Opening books only.  DVDs also count.  Must be published/copyrighted in 2016.
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