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Poll closed Question: What is Your Vote for the Opening Book of the Year 2016?
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Collins, A Simple Chess Opening Repertoire for Whi    
  11 (8.5%)
Cummings, The English    
  16 (12.3%)
Delchev/Semkov, Attacking the English/Reti    
  2 (1.5%)
Dreev, Bf4 in the Queens Gambit and Exchange Slav    
  5 (3.8%)
Kuzmin, The Zaitsev System    
  6 (4.6%)
Mikhalevski, Beating Minor Openings    
  4 (3.1%)
Negi, 1.e4 vs the Sicilian III    
  7 (5.4%)
Ntrilis, Play 1.e4 e5    
  44 (33.8%)
Pert, Play the Ragozin    
  6 (4.6%)
Shaw, Playing 1.e4 -- Caro-Kann, 1..e5    
  12 (9.2%)
Smirin, Kings Indian Warfare    
  14 (10.8%)
Solozhenkin, The Spanish Main Road    
  3 (2.3%)

Total votes: 130
« Created by: LeeRoth on: 04/01/17 at 14:09:20 »
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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016 (Read 64089 times)
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Re: Book of the Year
Reply #28 - 03/15/17 at 16:24:53
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I thought that Martin Lokander won the 2016 Chesspub Book of the Year award, didn't he?
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Book of the Year
Reply #27 - 03/15/17 at 14:30:28
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At least for me, the Important Topics section, including the Book of the Year thread, has disappeared.  And we are, in any event, overdue for a poll on the 2016 book of the year.  So I am starting this new thread in the hopes of getting things moving.  If the old thread is still viable, then, by all means, feel free to delete this one and use that one instead.
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Mortal Games
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #26 - 03/21/17 at 23:49:41
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My nomination is: The Zaitzev System - Alexey Kuzmin (New In Chess).

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Mortal Games
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #25 - 03/19/17 at 23:39:11
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Bibs wrote on 03/18/17 at 12:26:49:
Mortal Games wrote on 03/18/17 at 01:28:08:
My nomination goes to: Dominating 1.d4 with the King's Indian Defence by a brilliant presenter IM Jorge Ferreira.

With respect, of the two important aspects, you manage to miss both. 
It's a DVD, and it's from 2015.
Just curious, but is Ferreira a good friend...?  Huh

Ok, sorry I miss the 2015 part. Yes Jorge Ferreira is a good friend, but my nomination was based only on his top notch explanations and analysis, something which was not a surprise, taking on account that he was the best philosophy student from his university too.  Wink

It has been said that chess players are good at two things, Chess and Excuses.  It has also been said that Chess is where all excuses fail! In order to win you must dare to fail!
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #24 - 03/18/17 at 16:47:55
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Bibs wrote on 03/18/17 at 12:26:49:
Mortal Games wrote on 03/18/17 at 01:28:08:
My nomination goes to: Dominating 1.d4 with the King's Indian Defence by a brilliant presenter IM Jorge Ferreira.

With respect, of the two important aspects, you manage to miss both. 
It's a DVD, and it's from 2015.
Just curious, but is Ferreira a good friend...?  Huh

To be fair, the OP does say DVDs are allowed as well. The 2015 part, though, is valid of course.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #23 - 03/18/17 at 13:33:59
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Some interesting points made earlier, if in a slightly unfortunate manner.
It's a fair point actually I think re: balancing accessibility and usability, versus depth and completeness.

May irk the purists, but I found the 'Dangerous Weapons' series by Everyman to be the most directly useful in terms of helping me score points. To win games. I 'learnt' more about chess, in a more profound way, from the old Marin series on the English, but it is also good to notch up some points with hacky, tricky stuff. 

One can balance the two aspects. Choose ... both. Choose life, etc.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #22 - 03/18/17 at 12:26:49
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Mortal Games wrote on 03/18/17 at 01:28:08:
My nomination goes to: Dominating 1.d4 with the King's Indian Defence by a brilliant presenter IM Jorge Ferreira.

With respect, of the two important aspects, you manage to miss both. 
It's a DVD, and it's from 2015.
Just curious, but is Ferreira a good friend...?  Huh
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Mortal Games
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #21 - 03/18/17 at 01:28:08
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My nomination goes to: Dominating 1.d4 with the King's Indian Defence by a brilliant presenter IM Jorge Ferreira.

It has been said that chess players are good at two things, Chess and Excuses.  It has also been said that Chess is where all excuses fail! In order to win you must dare to fail!
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #20 - 02/24/17 at 23:19:12
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I get your point. Gee, whiz...
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #19 - 02/24/17 at 17:24:02
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I really enjoy the Kotronias KID series but it weighs in over 20 lbs. Hard to travel by plane with it.  It adds like $30 to the lugagge fees!   Shocked

The King's Gambit (Nessie!) by John Shaw is 1254g and I really do own rubber door stops that weigh less than 400g   Cheesy

The authors themselves state that many of the novelties come from deep probing and prodding of an engine and are engine checked.

Thus, I stand by my original assertions.   Cool

So, no doubt I am taking a bit of a whiz here at QC expense but I mean it all in good fun and have not one single cell of animosity in my heart. 

I just find that the line I get from Chess Stars actually show up on boards in the games I play really frequently and the QC lines not so much.   Cry

Is that fair enough?      Smiley
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #18 - 02/24/17 at 03:21:12
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barnaby wrote on 02/23/17 at 21:39:18:

No offense to Quality, but their door stoppers full of computer driven novelties . . .

Uh...the authors of those books might disagree with that characterization. It seems no good deed goes unpunished. But I like Chess Stars books a lot too.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #17 - 02/23/17 at 21:39:18
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If it is not to late to make a nomination I offer:

by: Evgeniy Solozhenkin
Published by: Chess Stars

I think this outfit is the real benchmark of concise, pragmatic tomes for real otb players.

No offense to Quality, but their door stoppers full of computer driven novelties just are not as practical for the majority of players.  I still buy all of them that play into my own repertoire but these Chess Stars books are compact and dense and easy to carry five of them, and thus 5x the info on 5 different openings in the same space while travelling.

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #16 - 02/19/17 at 20:03:21
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Did anyone mention Smirin's 'King's Indian Warfare' yet? If not I nominate it.

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #15 - 02/19/17 at 15:53:09
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I'd like to add 1.e4 vs The Sicilian III by Parimarjan Negi. I like it best among his three books against the sicilian.
For the first time I feel I am beginning to get a handle on the various Kan/Taimanov move orders. (Usually I end 
up being outmoveordered, but this book gives me hope).   

My other two candidates (Shaw's playing e4 and Delchev's Attacking The English/Reti have already been proposed.)
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #14 - 02/19/17 at 12:23:59
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RoleyPoley wrote on 02/04/17 at 11:32:40:
Doesnt seem to be as many entries as we normally have. 

Is that because there are fewer opening books published in 2016 or that Lakdawala has written most of them  Grin

It does seem like it was a down year for opening books.  I was going to suggest that moving the thread to the "important" topics section of the board might have hidden it amongst the older book of the year votes.  But  emary and Rene spotted it there so maybe that's not the case.  In any event, seems like we're ready for a poll on this.
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