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Poll closed Question: What is Your Vote for the Opening Book of the Year 2016?
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Collins, A Simple Chess Opening Repertoire for Whi    
  11 (8.5%)
Cummings, The English    
  16 (12.3%)
Delchev/Semkov, Attacking the English/Reti    
  2 (1.5%)
Dreev, Bf4 in the Queens Gambit and Exchange Slav    
  5 (3.8%)
Kuzmin, The Zaitsev System    
  6 (4.6%)
Mikhalevski, Beating Minor Openings    
  4 (3.1%)
Negi, 1.e4 vs the Sicilian III    
  7 (5.4%)
Ntrilis, Play 1.e4 e5    
  44 (33.8%)
Pert, Play the Ragozin    
  6 (4.6%)
Shaw, Playing 1.e4 -- Caro-Kann, 1..e5    
  12 (9.2%)
Smirin, Kings Indian Warfare    
  14 (10.8%)
Solozhenkin, The Spanish Main Road    
  3 (2.3%)

Total votes: 130
« Created by: LeeRoth on: 04/01/17 at 14:09:20 »
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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016 (Read 64234 times)
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #58 - 04/20/17 at 18:32:35
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ReneDescartes wrote on 02/04/17 at 15:00:19:
I would like to nominate Dreev, Bf4 in the Queen's Gambit and the Exchange Slav, Chess Stars 2016.

Based on reading this recommendation together with its nomination I purchased the book. I feel ripped off. It has not been computer checked and has loads of terrible errors. I am 1900  fide, yet the first 3 positions that looked wrong to me, I engine checked and we're indeed wrong. Ie slightly better for white was much better for black.

My conclusion is that Dreev didn't write it.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #57 - 04/19/17 at 16:27:55
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Congrats!  To the author and editors and publisher.

It is a very good book and a deserving winner. 

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #56 - 04/18/17 at 08:47:44
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Ametanoitos wrote on 04/17/17 at 14:27:34:
I did a facebook post about the competition providing a link. Usually, the previous years you should be a member in order to vote. Lots of my th friends realised that they can vote as well, so they did.

That probably explains it, none of the votes came from the same IP address, so there was no obvious duplication. Even without the 25 or so votes on the 14th Nikos would have won, but the vote would have been much closer.
I think we should leave the vote to stand and be a bit more careful next year.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #55 - 04/18/17 at 06:17:01
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If guest votes were allowed at the start of the Poll, then the result should stand. I think it would be wrong to change the rules of the Poll now.

For next year, ChessPub could consider making it a member only vote.

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #54 - 04/18/17 at 02:24:08
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I really do think that the vote should be restricted to members only; not that people couldn't create a membership just to cast a vote, but most would not make that effort.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #53 - 04/18/17 at 00:38:50
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LeeRoth wrote on 04/17/17 at 20:47:18:
I left the poll open.  I thought having guests vote might bring in more votes and make the poll more meaningful.  The members didn't seem as interested as they usually are, and, given that hardly anyone noticed when the thread was accidentally deleted, I was concerned that a members-only poll might not garner enough votes.
I don't know that anything "dark" happened, but it is nevertheless disturbing that most of Nikos's votes came in on the 14th, after he posted his Facebook message.  The poll is supposed to be about the best book; its not supposed to be a popularity contest to see which author has the most friends.  If that is what has happened, then it was a mistake to let the guests vote.      

Tony, you are the boss.  If you want to back out the guest votes, it's your prerogative.      

Letting guests vote was a complete sham, and what could've gone wrong... did so.  Undecided

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #52 - 04/17/17 at 20:47:18
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I left the poll open.  I thought having guests vote might bring in more votes and make the poll more meaningful.  The members didn't seem as interested as they usually are, and, given that hardly anyone noticed when the thread was accidentally deleted, I was concerned that a members-only poll might not garner enough votes.
I don't know that anything "dark" happened, but it is nevertheless disturbing that most of Nikos's votes came in on the 14th, after he posted his Facebook message.  The poll is supposed to be about the best book; its not supposed to be a popularity contest to see which author has the most friends.  If that is what has happened, then it was a mistake to let the guests vote.      

Tony, you are the boss.  If you want to back out the guest votes, it's your prerogative.      

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #51 - 04/17/17 at 19:28:54
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As i was typing from a cell phone with many typos, now that i am in front of a normal PC, i paste my fabook post made at the 14nth of April

"Dear friends,

Every year, there is a poll for the "best opening book of the year" at the chesspub forum. In that poll, two times my books have finished second (deservedly so) , both times behind another Quality Chess book. This year the list of nominations is also great, but i feel i have a fair chance to steal the first place this time. If you want to support "Playing 1.e4 e5" please vote for me. If not, please vote for another book so that i get what i deserve once more! (2nd place that is Tongue )"

(followed by a link of this page)

This is where the "vast swathes of guest votes, particularly on the 14th April" probably came from. As i said, my fb friends realised that they can vote, so they did.

Also, let me add one of my Greek comments in that post translated in English from Google Translate (and thus the bad grammar):

"Thank you for the support. I am not sure though that these votes will count because the head of the site wrote that probably they will not count the guest votes but only votes of the members will. Of course, becoming a member is free, although it was somewhat inelegant to win by votes of those becoming members the last 2 days. I uploaded this link mainly for those who are friends here and are already members (and they are many!). In any yet Anyway, thanks for the support!"

The only reason i upload all these, is that Mr Kosten's comment seemed to indicate that something "dark" might have happened at the 14nth of April, and i wanted to clarify the issue.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #50 - 04/17/17 at 14:27:34
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I am almost sure.of.what happened here. I did a facebook post about the competition providing a link. Usually, the previous years you should be a member in order to vote. Lots of my th friends realised that they can vote as well, so they did. 

My opinion is that the guest votes shouldn't have been allowed from the start. If the.moderators decide here to take these votes out, I d take it a reasonable decision.

In any case, those members who votes for my book!
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #49 - 04/17/17 at 08:50:50
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 04/17/17 at 08:02:34:
LeeRoth wrote on 04/16/17 at 19:16:17:
Congrats, Nikos, on a well-deserved win

He seems to have received vast swathes of guest votes, particularly on the 14th April, but very few votes from members.

How was the vote handled before 2016? Were guest members allowed to vote? 

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #48 - 04/17/17 at 08:43:05
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Tony K raises an important point. My two pennyworth is (a) if guest votes are allowed in the rules, it is not fair to the winner to question them after the event unless there are indications of duplicate voting or some such misbehaviour; (b) 14th April was a public holiday in many countries, so it is not necessarily surprising if people found time to cast a vote on that day; (c) the award has gone to a very good book - it's not as though a group of conspirators have got together to promote some second rate effort.

I have no axe to grind; although I bought Nikos's book and regard it highly, I actually voted for Nick Pert's book on the Ragozin. The vote could be restricted to members next year if Tony thinks that would be beneficial - but we didn't do that this year, so I propose we don't now risk devaluing the result.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #47 - 04/17/17 at 08:02:34
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LeeRoth wrote on 04/16/17 at 19:16:17:
Congrats, Nikos, on a well-deserved win

He seems to have received vast swathes of guest votes, particularly on the 14th April, but very few votes from members.
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #46 - 04/16/17 at 19:16:17
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We have a winner.   Cheesy  

Playing 1.e4 e5 -  A Classical Repertoire by Nikos Ntirlis
has won the ChessPub Opening Book of the Year for 2016

Congrats, Nikos, on a well-deserved win.  

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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #45 - 04/15/17 at 14:42:16
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Last day to vote!
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Re: ChessPub Opening Book of the Year 2016
Reply #44 - 04/05/17 at 02:16:38
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Does it make sense to comment on the way the votes are currently running, when the poll is a hidden one which doesn't show its result until it's over?

I presume there was a reason behind making it hidden, so I figure it'd be better not to talk about that? Even if the Mods can all see it.
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