As i was typing from a cell phone with many typos, now that i am in front of a normal PC, i paste my fabook post made at the 14nth of April
"Dear friends,
Every year, there is a poll for the "best opening book of the year" at the chesspub forum. In that poll, two times my books have finished second (deservedly so) , both times behind another Quality Chess book. This year the list of nominations is also great, but i feel i have a fair chance to steal the first place this time. If you want to support "Playing 1.e4 e5" please vote for me. If not, please vote for another book so that i get what i deserve once more! (2nd place that is

(followed by a link of this page)
This is where the "
vast swathes of guest votes, particularly on the 14th April" probably came from. As i said, my fb friends realised that they can vote, so they did.
Also, let me add one of my Greek comments in that post translated in English from Google Translate (and thus the bad grammar):
Thank you for the support. I am not sure though that these votes will count because the head of the site wrote that probably they will not count the guest votes but only votes of the members will. Of course, becoming a member is free, although it was somewhat inelegant to win by votes of those becoming members the last 2 days. I uploaded this link mainly for those who are friends here and are already members (and they are many!). In any yet Anyway, thanks for the support!"
The only reason i upload all these, is that Mr Kosten's comment seemed to indicate that something "dark" might have happened at the 14nth of April, and i wanted to clarify the issue.