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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #13 - 08/30/17 at 20:59:35
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Jan Pinksi's Italian Game and Evans Gambit (Everyman, 2005) has about half a chapter of coverage, consisting of 5 lightly annotated games featuring both 4...exd4 (2 games) and 4...d6 (3 games).  Although the book doesn't exactly advocate a Hungarian repertoire, the games are all Black wins.
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #12 - 03/14/17 at 16:26:02
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kylemeister wrote on 03/13/17 at 23:02:42:
I would think that 6. 0-0 allows a comfortable ...Bg4, and d5 may lose some attractiveness with the c-pawn blocked not only by the bishop.

I check 6.O-O Bg4 and my database notes and It  indicate that at this point is better to pass to a Spanish pro white with Bb5 that ensures a small advantage (see for example 1-0 (77) Winawer,S-Blackburne,J Berlin 1897 )

Additionally 6.dxe5 is playable too, see example in game 0-1 (48) Forcen Esteban,D (2469)-Granda Zuniga,J (2641) Navalmoral 2012.

With regard the variation 6.d5 Nb8 It is my positional taste how controlled is the black since it is no bigger problem that the c2 pawn is clogged and you can try a long cast as the player did in the match 1-0 (66) Sveshnikov,V (2434)-Vepkhvishvili,V (2256) Tallinn 2013. In that game the black was left without ruptures in both flanks.

Best regards,
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #11 - 03/13/17 at 23:02:42
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MARCO wrote on 03/13/17 at 22:27:46:

In contrast, if the black holds the center through 5 ... d6 we can either wait with 6.O-O or go to a game with space advantage through 6.d5 that allows to maintain the control of all the negotiations of liberation of the black side.

I would think that 6. 0-0 allows a comfortable ...Bg4, and d5 may lose some attractiveness with the c-pawn blocked not only by the bishop.
The old book move I'm aware of is 6. h3, which occurred e.g. in a game Spassky-Hort from their candidates match.
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #10 - 03/13/17 at 22:27:46
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According to my personal notes the statistics are favorable to the black at a certain level of sub 2400 down but this is achieved against the following variation:

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 Nf6 

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It seems to me to have seen analysis of this type of positions in the book of " True Lies in Chess" of Comas Fabrego.

As far as I am concerned I prefer to play 4.Nc3 first and if 4 ... Nf6 then 5.d4 which gives me more flexibility since now if 5 .... exd4 I can play Bellgrade Gambit using 6.Nd5!?

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Be7 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. d4 exd4 6. Nd5 *

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In contrast, if the black holds the center through 5 ... d6 we can either wait with 6.O-O or go to a game with space advantage through 6.d5 that allows to maintain the control of all the negotiations of liberation of the black side.

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Be7 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. d4 d6 6. d5 Nb8 7. h3 *

rnbqk2r/ppp1bppp/3p1n2/3Pp3/2B1P3/2N2N1P/PPP2PP1/R1BQK2R b KQkq - 0 7

Best Regards,

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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #9 - 03/07/17 at 22:51:13
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My mistake, the Estrin booklet covers 4.d4 and then 4... exd4, or 4... d6 and now 5.Nc3, 5.d5 and 5.dxe5.
I vaguely remember that Estrin mentions 5.c3 and then 5... dxc3 6.Qd5 Nh6 7.Bxh6 0-0 (but not 6.Qb3), 5... Na5 and 5... d3.
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #8 - 03/07/17 at 13:34:02
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I found that 3.Bc4 Be7 4.d4 exd4 5.Nxd4 should give White an edge with normal moves. An interesting idea I found recently is that after 5.c3 dxc3, 6.Qb3! is actually stronger than the automatic 6.Qd5. 

After 4...d6, I have a feeling 5.d5 Nb8 6.Bd3 is the way to a tangible edge, as with the bishop on e7 it's hard for Black to get in ...f5 compared to a normal KID, and even if he does, White will get a nice outpost on e4 for his knight after exf5/Bxf5. That said, Saric's 5.dxe5 gives a small endgame edge for those allergic to KID structures.

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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #7 - 03/06/17 at 22:35:26
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I remember the Estrin booklet. I still have it somewhere (the Dutch translation). It covers 4.Nc3, 4.d5 and 4.dxe5, claiming a slight advantage in each variation. It's not written from black or white's viewpoint.
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #6 - 03/06/17 at 21:28:30
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grandpatzer wrote on 03/06/17 at 19:54:27:
I remember a book advocating the Hungarian Defense for Black, some time ago... maybe it was from Chess Digest Dallas?

Good memory!

Chess Enterprises published a small booklet by Estrin on 3 king pawn openings. The Hungarian was one of them, along with the Bishop's Opening and the Ponzani. Here is a link to the booklet on Amazon. I did have a copy at one time, purchased from Chess Digest. I want to say it was about 20-25 pages on the Hungarian, but cannot recall any details, and I no longer own it.
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #5 - 03/06/17 at 19:58:14
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kylemeister wrote on 03/06/17 at 17:30:14:
I recall a Yearbook article contending that after 4. d4 ed 5. c3 Na5 White can get decent compensation by making a pawn sac out of it. 

If you can trust your opponent not to play 4. Ng5  a simpler way to attempt to enter Hungarian positions is to play 3. .. Nf6 and then 4. .. Be7. After 3. .. Be7, both the lines 4. d4 exd4 5. c3 and 4. d4 d6 5. dxe5 (or deferred for move or two) can be difficult to meet.

The alternative to 5. .. Na5 is to allow White his trick with 5. .. dxc3 6. Qd5 Nh6 7. Bxh6 O-O when White doesn't retain the extra piece. 
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #4 - 03/06/17 at 19:55:59
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tp2205 wrote on 03/06/17 at 16:46:26:

How about "Winning with the Slow (but Venomous!) Italian"? They offer 4.d4 exd4 5. c3 or 4.0-0 Nf6 5.d3 transposing to the two knights with 4.d3 Be7 which is also treated in both Lokander's and Ntirlis' book  on the open games from Black's point of view.

Is this book dealing with alternatives for Black apart from 3...Bc5?
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #3 - 03/06/17 at 19:54:27
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I remember a book advocating the Hungarian Defense for Black, some time ago... maybe it was from Chess Digest Dallas?

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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #2 - 03/06/17 at 17:30:14
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I recall a Yearbook article contending that after 4. d4 ed 5. c3 Na5 White can get decent compensation by making a pawn sac out of it.  Does that Slow Italian book claim an advantage for White with 5. c3?  But there is also the traditional 4...d6, after which several ways of playing have been alleged to lead to += (including keeping the tension with 5. Nc3, which can lead to the same kind of position as 5. Nxd4 instead of 5. c3 in the first line).
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Re: Hungarian Defense
Reply #1 - 03/06/17 at 16:46:26
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grandpatzer wrote on 03/06/17 at 15:10:32:
Is there any book dedicated to the Hungarian Defense? 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7? I find it very hard to get a "real" advantage against it in practical play, apart from that space advantage that vanishes so quickly, at least in my games.  Smiley I mean is a book advocating it, or a book on how to deal with it as White. Any idea or source would be much appreciated. 

I understand this is not a very exciting opening for Black, but it is very solid...

How about "Winning with the Slow (but Venomous!) Italian"? They offer 4.d4 exd4 5. c3 or 4.0-0 Nf6 5.d3 transposing to the two knights with 4.d3 Be7 which is also treated in both Lokander's and Ntirlis' book  on the open games from Black's point of view.
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Hungarian Defense
03/06/17 at 15:10:32
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Is there any book dedicated to the Hungarian Defense? 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Be7? I find it very hard to get a "real" advantage against it in practical play, apart from that space advantage that vanishes so quickly, at least in my games.  Smiley I mean is a book advocating it, or a book on how to deal with it as White. Any idea or source would be much appreciated. 

I understand this is not a very exciting opening for Black, but it is very solid...
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