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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Is this forum dying? (Read 93301 times)
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #146 - 08/23/17 at 01:46:27
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I think in this day and age a lot of the "professional" stuff produced is simply drivel.

99% of chess books would be better off in the bin. And much of mine have gone that direction.

@Brabo makes a fair point.

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #145 - 08/21/17 at 19:55:10
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 08/20/17 at 12:33:00:
GMTonyKosten wrote on 08/18/17 at 10:55:35:
We do some advertising for the main site, probably not enough, though.

Perhaps I should mention that the main site is doing very well, though, and this post was specifically about this Forum.

In 2014 already wrote that professional writers made amateurs increasingly irrelevant. So I am not at all surprised that the professional chesspub writers are doing much better than the amateur writers of the forum.
In general people believe that the more you pay, the more quality you can get. I see this behavior also around me. My opponents buy expensive books but don't read the free published analysis on my blog which I use against them to score some easy points. 2 of my most recent articles contain examples about this phenomenon see
This season I even beated my own captain/president/20 year teammate, former belgian champion with a refutation which was published on my blog. In the post-mortem I just gave him the link to the article.
If you encounter such experiences then I very well understand why amateur-writers give up. However things are not all negative. There are still every day dozens or even hundreds of visitors interested in non-professional posts or articles. I notice this at the statistics of my blog but also by strangers regularly telling me that they follow my articles. So I refuse to accept that there is no place on the internet anymore for amateurs.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #144 - 08/21/17 at 11:38:20
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #143 - 08/20/17 at 17:33:59
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I agree with the concern.  In the "old days", there were forum members who were interested in engaging in debates about theory above and beyond the basic questions of repertoire, impressions of latest book and how do I improve?  This forum was a big influence to me as I rejoined competitive chess toward the tail end of my business career.  I was drawn in by people like the late  Mark "Markovich" Morss (and many others like MNb, Ametanoitos (Ntirlis), ErictheRed, etc...) who had strong opinions and were willing to back them up.

I recently posted on the French thread about trends in the Tarrasch partly in response to this thread about the forum.  I was "secretly" hoping to stimulate some more substantial discussion about the variation by putting a few of my own observations out there and seeing if anyone wanted to engage.  As you will see if you look at the thread, we didn't get very far.

So, what to do?  Perhaps it's just a phase and new forum members will join and add to the activity and content.  An idea that occurred to me would be to have the moderators play a more active role and suggest a current game or tabyia (ideally with a question(s) to focus responses) each month for input and discussion by forum members.  Then if the GM/IM writer for that section could cover it in their monthly update, it might increase forum activity while still providing an incentive for members to subscribe to the main site to see the GM/IM "final verdict."   This may be impractical or should be done less frequently than monthly, but it would be interesting to try if there was sufficient support particularly by the moderators.  Just a thought....  Wink
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #142 - 08/20/17 at 12:33:00
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 08/18/17 at 10:55:35:
We do some advertising for the main site, probably not enough, though.

Perhaps I should mention that the main site is doing very well, though, and this thread was specifically about this Forum.
« Last Edit: 08/22/17 at 07:23:06 by GMTonyKosten »  
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #141 - 08/18/17 at 10:55:35
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Reverse wrote on 08/18/17 at 09:59:58:
GM Simon Williams ( gives some free advertisement and recommendation for this site in one of his latest youtube videos on his round 1 in Dundee. He claimed he used chesspub to prepare the classical french.

I imagine he advertised the main site, rather than this Forum?
We do some advertising for the main site, probably not enough, though. Embarrassed
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #140 - 08/18/17 at 09:59:58
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GM Simon Williams ( gives some free advertisement and recommendation for this site in one of his latest youtube videos on his round 1 in Dundee. He claimed he used chesspub to prepare the classical french.   

Might be worth advertising a little. I recall seeing chesspub advertisements in chess life (United States Chess) 10+ years ago...but not much since. 

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #139 - 08/09/17 at 08:35:44
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RoleyPoley wrote on 07/21/17 at 20:36:27:
I kind of liked this one in the french thread.

OK, I've stickied it, thanks Smiley
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #138 - 07/28/17 at 22:40:05
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Nickajack wrote on 07/24/17 at 16:57:12:

Just to clarify, I have no issue when a respected, (titled also helps) member posts engine analysis. An "engine warrior" would be a class-type player with little understanding of the game relying excessively on the engines and claiming to be an automatic expert analyst.  Angry

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #137 - 07/24/17 at 16:57:12
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Keano wrote on 07/21/17 at 23:35:10:
noticed a strange type of poster crop up, no names obviously. But this type of stuff, with little respect for the game, does discourage genuine posters from contributing.

Just to clarify, I have no issue when a respected, (titled also helps) member posts engine analysis. An "engine warrior" would be a class-type player with little understanding of the game relying excessively on the engines and claiming to be an automatic expert analyst.  Angry

Dubious, therefore playable Undecided
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #136 - 07/22/17 at 15:45:51
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 07/05/17 at 08:49:45:
ErictheRed wrote on 06/29/17 at 14:42:26:
One thought: I don't know that it would lead to more use, but some "stickied" threads in certain areas might help.

I can do this, too, if anyone has any ideas for useful threads that could be 'stickied' please let me know. Smiley

I was thinking of some of the general questions, the answers to which don't change very much.  How do I improve at chess?  What opening should a beginning player choose?  Those kinds of threads.  

If I dig around in the older posts and find some good ones, I'll send you a PM.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #135 - 07/21/17 at 23:35:10
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On engine warriors I think people in general need to avoid decalarations such as this line is "just nothing", "just a dead draw", etc. I have noticed a strange type of poster crop up, no names obviously. But this type of stuff, with little respect for the game, does discourage genuine posters from contributing.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #134 - 07/21/17 at 21:49:16
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Same problem here using iPhone and iPad...

I wish there was some solution to this as I am only using  tablets these days
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #133 - 07/21/17 at 21:35:31
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Jesse Gersenson wrote on 07/08/17 at 14:05:45:
A question for people who browse this forum with their mobile phone - is it easy to read this forum from you mobile phone?

It usually works fine, the only problem i've noticed is that my android can't load the posted games/analysis at all. I don't visit all that often so not a biggie, but maybe others have the same problem?
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #132 - 07/21/17 at 20:36:27
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GMTonyKosten wrote on 07/05/17 at 08:49:45:
ErictheRed wrote on 06/29/17 at 14:42:26:
One thought: I don't know that it would lead to more use, but some "stickied" threads in certain areas might help.

I can do this, too, if anyone has any ideas for useful threads that could be 'stickied' please let me know. Smiley

I kind of liked this one in the french thread.

Lots of advice on what lines a young player graded 1450 should play against the French. What facinates me about this thread is the variety of ideas amongst the regulars in the discussion, some of which can be extrapolated to other openings.

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