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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Is this forum dying? (Read 93167 times)
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #26 - 05/29/17 at 18:51:38
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Dink Heckler wrote on 05/29/17 at 14:09:14:
Forum traffic does seem to have slowed markedly. I think one thing that is unhelpful is the proliferation of sub-fora. I know they were set up with the best of intentions, but with such low traffic, this Balkanisation makes the problem worse. If I want to see what's happening in the Open Sicilian, I need to click into 6 different sub-fora. The traffic doesn't justify it, it discourages cross-pollination of ideas, and it makes browsing the forum into a PITA.

I agree, I could never see the advantage of that change really.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #25 - 05/29/17 at 15:09:50
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Smiley Muah ha ha, you will never find the posts that yee seek Smiley

Dink Heckler wrote on 05/29/17 at 14:09:14:
I think one thing that is unhelpful is the proliferation of sub-fora.

SmileyI will now share some of the arcane secrets of chesspub, possibly known only to the ancient gods of this forum  Smiley

Dink Heckler wrote on 05/29/17 at 14:09:14:
I think one thing that is unhelpful is the proliferation of sub-fora.

Personally I use the RSS Feed to keep track of new updates. It is hidden behind this secret symbol, if you can find it  Wink [Hint: Seek yee the Board Index Smiley]

These two are hidden in the "Forum Jump" menu [Hint: you need to scroll right down to the bottom of a forum page to find it Smiley ]

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Dink Heckler
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #24 - 05/29/17 at 14:09:14
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Forum traffic does seem to have slowed markedly. I think one thing that is unhelpful is the proliferation of sub-fora. I know they were set up with the best of intentions, but with such low traffic, this Balkanisation makes the problem worse. If I want to see what's happening in the Open Sicilian, I need to click into 6 different sub-fora. The traffic doesn't justify it, it discourages cross-pollination of ideas, and it makes browsing the forum into a PITA.

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #23 - 05/29/17 at 13:56:30
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IsaVulpes wrote on 05/28/17 at 22:42:53:

How many have you viewed in the meantime? is this bad?

Good point - that one looks like it may well be worth a look  Wink
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #22 - 05/28/17 at 22:42:53
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Keano wrote on 05/24/17 at 13:10:52:
Videos - I've not seen a good one since Kasparov's on the QGD and that was at least 15 years back.

How many have you viewed in the meantime? is this bad?
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #21 - 05/27/17 at 15:45:20
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Keano wrote on 05/24/17 at 13:10:52:

Videos - I've not seen a good one since Kasparov's on the QGD and that was at least 15 years back.

As always, it depends on the level of the audience. I've seen some very good chess opening videos in the last few years. The Ragozin work by Alejandro Ramirez is very very good, the Nimzo work by Victor Bologan (never too late for the nimzo) is also very good, I like a lot Akobian videos on the French for ICC (very basic but very well-explained), some chess24 videos series (Robin van Kampen ones, for example) are quite impressive for my level.... etc

I prefer a good book over a couple of videos, but as a first glance in a new opening, I have to recognize its value. There are a lot of lazy viewers I am sure they agree with me Grin

All in all, I think a good chess forum (like this) is very interesting (to review new sources, asking or giving advice about some lines, simply for fun). For me, it's complementary: videos+books+forum.

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #20 - 05/26/17 at 17:44:06
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I've noticed since this thread was posted, this place has become more active  Grin
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #19 - 05/24/17 at 19:28:45
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Keano wrote on 05/24/17 at 13:10:52:
Most of the books published, although some have excellent ideas they all have blank spots and errors.

I have found this forum very useful for pointing them out, and fixing them  Cool

Those who want to go by my perverse footsteps play such pawn structure with fuzzy atypical still strategic orientations

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #18 - 05/24/17 at 13:10:52
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Confused_by_Theory wrote on 05/12/17 at 15:40:49:

Apart from the fact that there are very competent engines to give answers on positional evaluations, which Brabo mentions on his blog. I suppose that also information about openings has become more available as well. I'm talking good databases, opening books in general and videos for example.

The need to go to this nice corner of the internet for opening information thus seems reduced.

As for ways forward. Supposedly new and reasonably active forum members need to be found somewhere. The only way I can think of improving the situation here, without doing a lot of active marketing, is to make a strategy of where in the rest of the internet chess world this forum wants to be visible (with links, logos and mentions).
Edit: And executing this to some degree of course.

Have a nice day.

Engines can never replace the human eye.

Most of the books published, although some have excellent ideas they all have blank spots and errors.

Videos - I've not seen a good one since Kasparov's on the QGD and that was at least 15 years back.

To sum up - a forum is still the best place for ideas and analysis.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #17 - 05/18/17 at 00:22:39
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RoleyPoley wrote on 05/17/17 at 17:38:58:
TonyRo wrote on 05/12/17 at 12:43:55:
I have been thinking and saying the same for a while now. ChessPub used to be a place of very frequent and deep discussions, and now it seems to be mostly inactive. How do we rejuvenate this great place!?  Cry

Write another book  Wink

Agreed, splendid idea. You take requests...? 
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #16 - 05/17/17 at 17:38:58
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TonyRo wrote on 05/12/17 at 12:43:55:
I have been thinking and saying the same for a while now. ChessPub used to be a place of very frequent and deep discussions, and now it seems to be mostly inactive. How do we rejuvenate this great place!?  Cry

Write another book  Wink

"As Mikhail Tal would say ' Let's have a bit of hooliganism! '"

Victor Bologan.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #15 - 05/16/17 at 22:46:27
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Not just Markovich, though.  I think that we had a lot of great contributors early on who for a variety of reasons can't contribute as much now (jobs, marriage, children--just life stuff that happens).  The unfortunate thing is that we didn't replenish the supply of great contributors, for whatever reasons.
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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #14 - 05/16/17 at 21:20:07
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Also, as stated above, user Markovich was such a driving force.

Whatever his faults and positives, there was a sincerity and energy to his posting that is really missed.   

Not to take anything away from any other prolific and fantastic users that may have come and gone or reside here still and are active as they can be, and made the place what it is, but that one user really put consistent energy into shaping and keeping this place moving forwards in ways no one else did.

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #13 - 05/16/17 at 21:12:31
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Internet forums that thrive and gets lots of use are those that become platforms for social discourse among the users.   

The main and central them that brings people together under one roof usually becomes less and less the focus as the forum grows and becomes more active.  The social aspect of the 'community' tales over and that becomes the new main reason people participate regularly.

Here on ChessPub that model does not hold because people here are not looking for social interaction.  Thus, the usual methods of keeping forums alive (allowing trolls and flame wars and letting people slug it out in big complicated and sprawling threads which drive up user count, hit count, page views and advertising revenue, etc ) are eschewed.

In addition, and more specific to the uniqueness of this site, the advent of powerful engines owned by everyone renders every thread moot once someone posts the BEST LINE BY SILICON and there is really nothing more to discuss there, is there?

Why have discussion on the nuances of the Riga if the engine says White wins on move 57 if they follow this exact sequence?  I mean, what is there to talk about anymore?

OTOH, the main strength of the site, I really feel, has always been the HIGH LEVEL ANALYSIS in the individual sections.  So, while the forums may be hobbled and seemingly living on life support, I think they will continue to live slowly so long as great contributions are being made in the paid-for content is being delivered in timely fashion.

The site and the forums are still an excellent resource, so I continue to support fully with sub to all sections.  I appreciate all the contributions and by all the very strong players over the years and kudos to GM Kosten for running the whole thing asI imagine must be a labor of love and be full of headaches beyond our vision.   

This is really a unique and fantastic place and I hope it continues even if it is slower than it might be.   

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Re: Is this forum dying?
Reply #12 - 05/16/17 at 15:58:40
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I would love to see and participate in deeper theoretical discussions again, but I've just been too busy lately. I was a lot more active a few years ago.

Even back then I felt reading and posting here took time away from settling on and really learning a repertoire from a wider variety of sources. If I find more time to post here again, I will study up on my openings in more depth first, to have a foundation to build from and avoid being sucked into analyzing random lines I'm not going to play anyway.

But I must admit I miss our epic discussions of the Pirc/Modern, the French, the Smith-Morra, the Budapest, the Dutch, the Alekhine, etc. etc. I still search the CP forum to (re-)discover ideas now and then.

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