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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #7 - 06/27/17 at 23:32:57
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Sispal wrote on 06/27/17 at 20:20:01:
The only line I have from Forintos / Haag is the following trap:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. N:e5 Nc6
4. N:c6 d:c6
5. e5 Ne4
6. d3? Bc5! -+
I've played this line few times in blitz matches, that's why I mentioned in my original post that white needs to know how to refute the line.

Shaw (not a Petroff book, but 1.e4 from the White side) gives this line, except with 6.d4, and just says White is better. Overall the coverage is about half a page, don't know if that counts  Wink 
But yeah, I hardly see compensation for the center here, let alone a pawn.
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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #6 - 06/27/17 at 22:10:02
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Sispal wrote on 06/27/17 at 20:20:01:

1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. N:e5 Nc6
4. N:c6 d:c6
5. e5 Ne4
6. d3? Bc5! -+

That line also appeared in "200 neue Eröffnungsfallen" (200 New Opening Traps) by Emil Gelenczei.  Bizarrely, that book said that White's best is probably 4. Nf3.
I see that Forintos/Haag treated 3...Nc6 suitably, e.g. giving the line with Nxc6 followed by d3 and Be2 (which takes simple advantage of the extra tempo compared to the Boden-Kieseritzky) as ±.
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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #5 - 06/27/17 at 20:20:01
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The only line I have from Forintos / Haag is the following trap:
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. N:e5 Nc6
4. N:c6 d:c6
5. e5 Ne4
6. d3? Bc5! -+
I've played this line few times in blitz matches, that's why I mentioned in my original post that white needs to know how to refute the line. For example, I believe that 5.f3 is very solid for white..but still I cannot find the line in any Petroff book
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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #4 - 06/27/17 at 09:11:29
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Call me Bob Pessimism, but I suspect that the move missing, Bc4/5, may be significant.
It's bad, and I suspect it's still bad in blitz, which is often used as an argument for "Any sh*t is fine". 

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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #3 - 06/26/17 at 12:33:20
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This is the Boden-Kieseritzky Gambit with colours reversed (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nxe4 4.Nc3).

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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #2 - 06/25/17 at 19:24:22
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Thank you Kylemeister!
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Re: Petroff - Stafford Gambit
Reply #1 - 06/25/17 at 18:55:46
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I recalled it being addressed in Tim Harding's "Counter Gambits" book from the 1970s, which e.g. noted that 4. Nxc6 dc 5. d3 Bc5 6. Bg5 loses and that 6. Be2 is correct.
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YaBB Newbies

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Petroff - Stafford Gambit
06/25/17 at 18:21:14
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Hi all.
Stafford Gambit goes
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. N:e5 Nc6
This is an interesting line (for Blitz games anyway) that is not considered good for black, however white needs to know how to refute this.
Still, I can hardly find any lines in 2 Petroff's books I have (L. Janigava The Petroff -gambit publications and Forintos / Haag Petroff's Defense Batsford). 
Do you know if there is any bibliography available for this line?
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