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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Fighting the London System (Read 18636 times)
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #15 - 08/21/17 at 07:23:54
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I don't have the book, but from the excerpt I quite like that Georgiev has given various options to suit nearly all existing 1.d4 repertoires. His first recommendation of the Grunfeld setup could be played from both a 1.d4 d5 and 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 g6 move order. However, against the 1.d4 d5 move order I would be very happy to play e.g. 2.Bf4 Nf6 3.e3 g6 4.c4 Bg7 5.Nc3 as Black obviously wasn't aiming for this variation with his first move. I suppose that is where Chapters 4-6 come in. Smiley

Already I am quite impressed that Georgiev is giving this ...b6 setup, as I'd already found it to be completely fine for Black, but for some reason no one would play it against me. Now that it's published, I have a feeling the London will soon reduce in popularity in favour of some other opening scheme. 

One observation is that, with the Jobava-Prie Attack covered (3...g6/3...e6), it would not be a large step to cover the Veresov as well, though I suppose it's already been well covered in numerous other works. 

I also approve of Georgeiv's choice of the ...Bf5 setup in Chapter 6 - I had also found it to be Black's best line, but for some reason it hasn't been more popular. That will probably change soon. 

From the excerpt, I am most ambivalent about the 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 c5 section - I am not entirely convinced by 3.e3 Qb6 4.Nc3 d6 myself, but having effectively a draw in the pocket with 4...Qxb2 (if you have prepared very thoroughly against 5.Nb5 Nd5 6.a3 - Prie's analysis for ChessPub is a good starting point) would definitely put higher-rated players off playing the London against you. I recently found a big novelty in the 3.d5 variation too, it will be interesting to see if Georgiev also noticed it. Smiley

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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #14 - 08/20/17 at 23:40:07
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The Trompowsky is old hat now.

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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #13 - 08/20/17 at 13:04:47
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So I take it how it is, from the black side. As a slav player 1.d4 d5 2.Bf4 is to meet and Georgiev gives five black setups to choose. is one of the sources. The Agile London System and Winning With The London System are included. The games include correspondence games and reach till this year 2017.

So if I would start a new repertoire with 1.d4 and a small amount of time I could use this book with an additional book teaching the Trompowsky against 1.d4 Nf6.

Axel Smith e3 Poison is probably a better choice with a higher workload at the beginning.

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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #12 - 08/03/17 at 03:39:06
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Yes, of course. 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 Nh5!? 3.Bg5 h6 4.Bh4 g5 5.e3 Nf6 6.Bg3, and what has black gained? Interestingly, the exact position arises after 2...h6 3.e3 g5 4.Bg3. White's moves make a better impression than black's.

1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 d6!? 3.Bf4 Nh5 actually has more point compared to 2.Bf4 Nh5: 4.Bg5 h6 5.Bh4 g5 6.Bg3 Nd7!?. Black is a tempo ahead of a system I have applied successfully as black: 1.d4 d6 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Bg5 Nbd7 4.Nbd2 h6 5.Bh4 g5 6.Bg3 Nh5. In this system black at least gets the B-pair to compensate for the kingside commitment.
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #11 - 08/02/17 at 20:10:29
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For an idea against the new move order perhaps best left to rapid and lightning, the line 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 Nh5 is playable. 

It's playable on move 3 in the old lines as well, it would appear 
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #10 - 07/27/17 at 16:44:42
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CanadianClub wrote on 07/26/17 at 21:31:07:
But if their Knight can't go to e5 (because of not d5 by Black), then... uuppss... what to play?  Cool

The auto pilot plan is d4, Nf3, Bf4, c3, Nbd2, Be2(or Bd3 or Bc4), O-O, h3, Bh2, a4 and then decide what to do with the Rooks and the Queen. 

That applies almost regardless of whether Black uses a Reti structure with Nf6, g6, Bg7, O-O, d6,c5, b6, Bb7, Nbd7 (or Nc6) or Hedgehog style with e6 and Be7 instead of g6 and Bg7. 
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #9 - 07/27/17 at 10:48:32
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Yoy can see Carlsen' games playing this line as Black. Once White moves his knight to d2, then it's key to take on d5. If White retakes with exd5 (the most common option) then there is no e4. If White takes cxd5 (symmetrical pawn structure) then it's you who will probably are going to play in the queenside (remember: white don't have at his disposal the logical move Nc3 because he moved Nbd2).

A video explaining it a bit:

It's available to people (like me) that play the move order Nf6 + e6, of course.
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #8 - 07/27/17 at 05:16:28
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CanadianClub, if I can't put my knight on e5 that probably means there is a pawn on d6, so I would play e4 at the right moment, or play on the Queenside.
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #7 - 07/26/17 at 21:31:07
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If I knew somebody 100% sure will not be playing the London against me, I would consider the 1.d4 d5 move order. But as I have been seeing, people like to put on the autopilot mode against 1.d4 d5 (Nf3 Bf4 e3 c3 Nd2 0-0 h3 Ne5 Qe2 etc....). But if their Knight can't go to e5 (because of not d5 by Black), then... uuppss... what to play?  Cool
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #6 - 07/26/17 at 16:17:23
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At least 1.d4 Nf6 2.Bf4 c5 is also covered as an alternative to an approach with ...d5.
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #5 - 07/26/17 at 08:04:04
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RdC wrote on 07/25/17 at 22:03:18:
It seem to concentrate most on .. d5 defences. Perhaps it's not so useful for those who reach the position 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 and are reluctant to play .. d5.

This seems odd if you compare it with Sedlak's explanation of his decision to cover only lines with ...d5:

"Personally, I'm not a fan of the London System against 1...Nf6, especially when Black arranges his pieces as he would in the King's Indian Defence. The position of the bishop on f4 seems adequate to me only when black plays 1...d5, in which case it has a very important role to play, as opposed to when Black has the option of playing ...d6 when the London set-up seems less logical and I don't believe in it."

After ...g6 both Dembo and Avrukh give lines with ...d6, not ...d5 (except against Nc3).
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #4 - 07/25/17 at 22:03:18
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TD wrote on 07/25/17 at 09:28:10:
An excerpt is up:

It seem to concentrate most on .. d5 defences. Perhaps it's not so useful for those who reach the position 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 and are reluctant to play .. d5.
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #3 - 07/25/17 at 19:40:29
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It should be out in a few days...
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #2 - 07/25/17 at 19:00:23
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And so the fightback begins...
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Re: Fighting the London System
Reply #1 - 07/25/17 at 09:28:10
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