This was analyzed by Baburin in Informant 63, and revisited by Dan Scoones in the British Columbia Chess Federation email bulletin no.191, 2010.06.02. In the game black lost after
17.Bd6 Kh4
18.Be5 Kh3
19. Bg3! zugzwang (1-0 in 10 more moves). See the pgn attachment.
Scoones suggests as an improvement
17.Be7 Kh5
18.Kg3 Kg6
19.Bd6 ("Or" 19.Bb4 Kf6 20.Be1 Kf5 21.Bf2 Kf6 22.Kg4 Kg6 "etc." but see below.)
19... Kf5 stating "it is very difficult to see how White can make further progress. I don't think it can be done. The verdict: draw."
Analysis position after 19...Kf5.
On the contrary, I think it is an easy win for white:
20. Bb4 Kg6
21. Be1 Kf5
22. Bf2 Kf6
23. Kg4 Kg6 (Scoones also reaches this position in his parenthetical variation)
24. Bg3 Kf6
25. Kh5 Kf5
26. Be1 (the good square for the B)
27. Kh6 Kf5
28. Kg7 (this outflanking maneuver is typical of K+P endgames)
28...Kg4 (28... g4 29. Kh6 g3 30. Bxg3 Kg4 31. Be1 Kh3 32. Kg5 Kg2 33. Kf4)
29. Kg6 Kh3 (29... f2 30. Bxf2 Kf3 31. Bg1 Kg2 32. Kxg5 Kxg1 33. Kf4)
30. Kxg5 Kg2
31. Kf4 Kf1 (31... f2 32. Bxf2 Kxf2 33. Kxe4)
32. Kxe4 Kxe1
33. Kxf3 +-