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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #7 - 10/07/17 at 14:40:53
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RdC wrote on 10/07/17 at 01:02:14:
MNb wrote on 10/06/17 at 10:54:28:
[quote author=7C737E360 link=1507155414/1#1 date=1507182896] In fact the interpretation of the 150-Attack that promises most these days is the one that doesn't promise an attack at all, eg 4.Be3 c6 5.Qd2 Bg7 6.h3 Qc7 7.Nf3 Nbd7 8.Bd3, with positional play that's very much like the Classical.

That's the point really. White can get a good position without knowing any more than where the pieces and pawns should live.

There's not a lot than Black can do to disrupt the build-up. 

I disagree that White doesn't need to know much more to play like this - he needs to have som real understanding of the further late opening/early middlegame plans for both sides. If White isn't precise, Black will play either ...c5 or ...e5 at the right moment and get a comfortable "Dragon Pirc", Benoni structure (if White answers ...c5 with d4-d5) or "Philidor Pirc".

Perhaps that's what you meant by "where the pieces and pawns should live", but again that's my point: Positional play isn't easy, and a positional fight in an unbalanced structure is exactly what Black hopes for in the Pirc. I have won countless games against White players who punted the 150 attack without either knowing the sharpest attacking lines or understanding the calmer positions that arise when White plays more slowly.

If some White player wants a really non-demanding solution against the Pirc, in terms of both concrete theory and understanding, I would recommend the g3 system. The setup with Bd3, Nf3 and c3 and the good old Classical are also easier to play than the 150 attack if you're winging it.

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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #6 - 10/07/17 at 10:00:09
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That argument applies to the g3 system as well.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #5 - 10/07/17 at 01:02:14
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MNb wrote on 10/06/17 at 10:54:28:
[quote author=7C737E360 link=1507155414/1#1 date=1507182896] In fact the interpretation of the 150-Attack that promises most these days is the one that doesn't promise an attack at all, eg 4.Be3 c6 5.Qd2 Bg7 6.h3 Qc7 7.Nf3 Nbd7 8.Bd3, with positional play that's very much like the Classical.

That's the point really. White can get a good position without knowing any more than where the pieces and pawns should live.

There's not a lot than Black can do to disrupt the build-up. 

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Rudolf Spielmann forever

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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #4 - 10/06/17 at 10:54:28
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JEH wrote on 10/05/17 at 05:54:56:
White is much easier to play than Black.

Confused_by_Theory wrote on 10/05/17 at 11:12:11:
Good way to punish black..

bragesjo wrote on 10/05/17 at 11:43:22:
150 attack can be dangerous if black does not react accurate.

All of which only applies when Black hasn't looked at it properly, which is by now as silly as not looking at the Austrian Attack. In fact the interpretation of the 150-Attack that promises most these days is the one that doesn't promise an attack at all, eg 4.Be3 c6 5.Qd2 Bg7 6.h3 Qc7 7.Nf3 Nbd7 8.Bd3, with positional play that's very much like the Classical.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #3 - 10/05/17 at 11:43:22
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150 attack can be dangerous if black does not react accurate.
I won a game in a Swedish Division 1 team match in 20 moves a few years ago vs a player with the about same rating as myself.
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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #2 - 10/05/17 at 11:12:11
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Good way to punish black.

Have a nice day.
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Re: 150 Attack
Reply #1 - 10/05/17 at 05:54:56
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6. ...a5 indicates to me that Black might be better offplaying a different opening to the Pirc  Roll Eyes

But Black's play after that is very poor, you could probably beat them whatever opening they played  Huh

So not so much a theorectical issue, but a practical one where White is much easier to play than Black.

Those who want to go by my perverse footsteps play such pawn structure with fuzzy atypical still strategic orientations

Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, stuck in the middlegame with you
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150 Attack
10/04/17 at 22:16:54
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It's amazing how strong the 150 Attack can be against slightly dubious play. Here's a case in point. 7. h3 isn't necessary and 9 e5 is a fairly routine punt. By playing 9. .. Nd7 instead of 9. .. dxe5, Black is busted at move 11 instead of being a bit worse. The exchange sac works because 14. .. Kxe7 leads to mate.

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