Whilst we wait for Marin’s QC book on the Pirc to be published ...
I was wondering if anybody knew of any games that Seirawan played with his 8 ... fxe6 TN in the Austrian Attack.
All i’ve been able to find are these 5 games:-
Sax, Brussels World Cup 1988
Nunn, Skelleftea Word Cup, 1989
van der Wiel, World Team Championship 1989
Hellers, Haninge 1990
van der Wiel, Hanninge 1990
and perhaps you could argue that Nunn - Benjamin, Thessaloniki Olympiad 1988 is a Yasser game by proxy.
Is that really all there are?
Secondly, what’s the feeling about Seirawan’s assessment that "Black will score well" from the position below. Do you feel, thirty years on, it turned out to be true?
1n6/4p2p/2kp4/1pp3P1/6n1/6P1/PP1N1r1P/R1K4R w - - 1 27