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Re: B47 Paulsen
Reply #6 - 11/07/17 at 21:48:18
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11...e5 looks almost forced to me from a principled perspective, given that 11...dxe4 is not possible.  

I've also found that Bg5 can be an annoying move to face in many of these Paulsen/Taimanov lines; here's one example:

It's important to always have something good planned in response to it, especially when you've already castled and are "out of book."  Chalk it up to experience gained and move on. 
« Last Edit: 11/08/17 at 05:33:41 by ErictheRed »  
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Re: B47 Paulsen
Reply #5 - 11/07/17 at 20:47:29
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tp2205 wrote on 11/07/17 at 17:57:00:
gewgaw wrote on 11/07/17 at 17:28:18:
Yep, looks good, but still not clear, if White plays Bg5 instead of castling.

If a draw is fine then Qa7 going for the repetition Be3 Qb8

There's also 11...Qa7 12 Be3 Bc5 which looks alright for Black.
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Re: B47 Paulsen
Reply #4 - 11/07/17 at 20:19:26
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gewgaw wrote on 11/07/17 at 17:28:18:
Yep, looks good, but still not clear, if White plays Bg5 instead of castling.

After 11...Be7 12.O-O-O b5 it seems to me like Black has a good Richter-Rauser.
Compare 6.Bg5 e6 7.O-O-O Be7 8.Qd2 a6 9.f3.

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Re: B47 Paulsen
Reply #3 - 11/07/17 at 17:57:00
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gewgaw wrote on 11/07/17 at 17:28:18:
Yep, looks good, but still not clear, if White plays Bg5 instead of castling.

In a blitz/rapidgame i would probably play e5 anyway and if White takes the pawn (Nxc6,Bxf6,exd5,Qxd5) either Bxc3 or simply 0-0 (black squares, bishop pair should provide at least some compensation)

If a draw is fine then Qa7 going for the repetition Be3 Qb8

I also like the slightly strange Ne7. The idea is to
(i) threaten e5 without allowing Nxc6 
(ii) playing Qc7 to increase pressure on c3 and 
(iii) making sure that even after Bxf6 a knight can recapture on d5 in case of exd5.

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Re: B47 Paulsen
Reply #2 - 11/07/17 at 17:28:18
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Yep, looks good, but still not clear, if White plays Bg5 instead of castling.

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Re: B47 Paulsen
Reply #1 - 11/07/17 at 15:44:59
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gewgaw wrote on 11/07/17 at 12:37:08:
Hi there,

sometimes you play an opening for a long time, but you still don't get it:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7 is well-known, then my far weaker opponent played 6.Ndb5 Qb8 and 7.Be3 a6 and now no Ponomariov with Bb6 but 8.Nbd4 Nf6 9.Qd2 Bb4 10.f3 d5 11.0-0-0 0-0 12.Bg5 and I fell in deep thought for more than half an hour, because nothing really worked or looked unpleasant for me.
I finally came up with 12. ...Be7?? and saw immediately the refutation, but my opponent overlooked it, but I still got a bad position.
So where should I improve my game, actually I still don't like 12. ...de4 to ruin my king's position.
A move like 8. ...Qc7 is of course possible, but there must be something better to use White's waste of time.
Any ideas?

11...e5 instead of 0-0 looks pleasant for Black.
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B47 Paulsen
11/07/17 at 12:37:08
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Hi there,

sometimes you play an opening for a long time, but you still don't get it:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cd4 4.Nd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7 is well-known, then my far weaker opponent played 6.Ndb5 Qb8 and 7.Be3 a6 and now no Ponomariov with Bb6 but 8.Nbd4 Nf6 9.Qd2 Bb4 10.f3 d5 11.0-0-0 0-0 12.Bg5 and I fell in deep thought for more than half an hour, because nothing really worked or looked unpleasant for me.
I finally came up with 12. ...Be7?? and saw immediately the refutation, but my opponent overlooked it, but I still got a bad position.
So where should I improve my game, actually I still don't like 12. ...de4 to ruin my king's position.
A move like 8. ...Qc7 is of course possible, but there must be something better to use White's waste of time.
Any ideas?

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