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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #7 - 11/30/17 at 08:11:47
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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #6 - 11/30/17 at 07:57:09
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MartinC wrote on 11/29/17 at 17:30:47:
If Black can get things into a 'Kozulish' sort of gxf6 set up then h5 is quite a thematic move?

Well maybee not 100% shure without proper computer backup.
Is true that black often plays h5 in Classical Sicilian including in Suicide Variation.
However white might have other options as well since h5 is commited very early.

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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #5 - 11/29/17 at 17:30:47
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If Black can get things into a 'Kozulish' sort of gxf6 set up then h5 is quite a thematic move?
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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #4 - 11/29/17 at 11:54:06
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While I never studied every sideline of Najdrof 6 Bg5  but I have a hard time thinking if h3 and h5 inserted does any thing positive for blacks position in either Poisen Pawn or Polugajevsky. The pawn to h3 prevents and Ng4 or Bg4 ideas. I see pawn to h5 and a weakness that rules out pawn to h6 and weakens both g5 and g6 squares. The h5 pawn it self may also become a target

My understandning of Sozin is only a few Fischer games but that move looks logical to since h5 is a completly wasted move and in Bc4 sicilians white often plays pawn h3 at some point anyway.

In Najdorf 6 Be3 the move h5 is playable with e5 Nb3 , Be6 and f3 inserted, I have played it  with black in several Najdorf 6 Be3 thematical corr tournaments. 

I am not 100 % shure of Najdrof 6 h3 theory but with e5 inserted first h5 is a mainline.
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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #3 - 11/28/17 at 09:16:27
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There might be some lines in the Poisoned Pawns and the Polugajevsky in which the inclusion of 6.h3 h5 benefits Black. I haven't researched it.
But I cannot think of any line in the Sozin in which 6...h5 is useful. After 6.h3 h5 7.Bc4 e6 8.O-O White must be better.

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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #2 - 11/27/17 at 19:24:46
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Dismantling the Sicilian also went for 6 h3 and they consider 6 .. h5  a rare move and annontates it with a ? mark.
They think that 7 Bg5!? is a much improved 6 Bg5 for white.
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Re: 6.h3 h5
Reply #1 - 11/27/17 at 03:56:37
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I'm not sure 7 Bg5 "transposes back into normal lines"; after 7...e5 White would probably go to f5 instead of e2 (by analogy with 6 Bg5 e5?! 7 Nf5!). 7...e6 might be safer, but I can't imagine h2-h3 and ...h7-h5 being thrown in doesn't favour White, e.g. 8 Qd2 and 9 0-0-0 is possible now (now that there's no ...h6 and ...Nxe4 tricks).

7 Bc4 also strikes me as a pretty sensible move, again, ...h5 being played in the Sozin probably doesn't help Black's chances of not getting mated in the opening.
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6.h3 h5
11/27/17 at 03:11:37
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I recently-ish started playing 1.e4 again, and, following "Modernized: The Open Sicilian", I chose the Adams Attack (6.h3) as my weapon against the Najdorf.

I'm having some decent success with it; even when forgetting the concrete moves, I can for the most part follow the general plan of g2-g4 against ..e7-e6 and playing around the d5-square against ..e7-e5, both of which lead to positions which I'd at least deem easier to play for White than Black.

That's when I stumbled on this 6. ..h5 move - which, surprisingly to me, has almost never been played in my database, and isn't mentioned at all in the book.

It doesn't look that ridiculous to me - if White attempts to transpose back to "normal" lines via 7.Bg5, for one Black would have avoided the g3-lines (6.h3 e5 7.Nde2 h5 8.g3), for two Black can play 7. ..e6 and get an entirely different type of position, where neither of my "autopilot plans" works anymore (h5 stops g2-g4, and e6 stops ganging up on the d5-square).

I presume the reason that this isn't very popular is that White gets to transpose into whichever Najdorf variation he likes, except with h2-h3 and ..h7-h5 inserted, which I can see benefitting White in the end - but the question now would be: Which one is best? 

My general Najdorf knowledge is very limited (As a junior I played Bc4/English Attack stuff without knowing anything; then I switched from the Closed Sicilian to 1.f4 to 1.c4, and pretty much only really came back to it with the Modernized Book, so I don't know much beyond 6.h3), so I have no idea where the insertion of those two moves would prove the most favourable (or whether I'm missing something in general, and rather than 'transposing' to elsewhere, I should just play move X and win). 

Any ideas what you would play on move 7 here (or if 7.Bg5, what on move 8 after 7. ..e6)?
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