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Normal Topic Deal with 5. Dc2 gambit in QID or play QGD? (Read 2618 times)
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Deal with 5. Dc2 gambit in QID or play QGD?
04/11/18 at 22:49:38
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This line I find quite annoying for Black, although with preparation Black is fine. In practical play though playing against someone who likes initiative this can be a pain.

I have the new book «Новоиндийская защита. Основной вариант 4. g3» by Четверик as basically my only recent source on Queen's Indian. I still find the gambit line annoying. Looking through Ntirlis' book on QGD, I wonder about QGD. Anyone thought about this before or even switched?

On another note, I know that 5...Ab4+ exists, but not sure on its reputation compared to the gambit main line.
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