Keano wrote on 07/30/18 at 10:25:31:
"Lazy" and "Najdorf" are not two words I would have ever thought of putting together.
I toyed with the idea of putting together a lazy Najdorf repertoire at one point. I would meet 6.Be3 with 6...Ng4, and against 6.f3 either try to make 6...Qb6 work or transpose to the Dragondorf. Against 6.Be2, 6...Nbd7 is a tricky move order, alternatively there are Dragon transpositions here too.
6.Bg5 was a big issue. 6...Nbd7 fit stylistically with my other choices, but its popularity was starting to take off and it has now become the main line! So maybe 6...e6 7.f4 Qc7 is a
relatively untheoretical option.
And then there's 6.h3, 6.g3, 6.Bc4, 6.f4, 6.a4, 6.Nb3, 6.Qf3 etc. etc.
But the main lines are usually the main lines because they are the best. A sideline repertoire in the Najdorf isn't something to rely on, just a slightly dodgy blitz or surprise weapon.