MW wrote on 01/17/19 at 19:23:55:
I had hoped that this DVD would also be produced in English but ChessBase have no plans to do so...would be interested to hear what those that have this DVD think of it.
Comes on man, chess players are polyglots¡ My German is not very good but I could more or less understand the videos
If I ever could publish a chess work I would also not translate it into English. Learn other languages or you cannot benefit from the chess, e.g.: chess24 videos
The DVD is quite long, probably the longest I have bought insofar. I am still watching the videos, but from what I see so far, it complements the Sedlak books (a book that she mentions in the introduction video), and probably any other London system books.
It also covers the QID setups, but I did not like the choice of playing against Pirc when Black tries a KID structure, i.e. White plays e4 and transposes. I will only play Pirc as Black side
Other than that, very good so far.