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Normal Topic Kazimdzhanov Nimzo-Indian DVD (Read 2608 times)
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Re: Kazimdzhanov Nimzo-Indian DVD
Reply #2 - 12/31/18 at 04:26:41
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Thanks, Inn2. Indeed I was looking at the Kazim DVD as a secondary source (I already have the other ones you mentioned, plus the Gustafsson c24 series).
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Re: Kazimdzhanov Nimzo-Indian DVD
Reply #1 - 12/31/18 at 03:45:05
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I found the Kasimdzhanov DVD to be a good complement to Bologan's nimzo DVD, but Kasim's lines are riskier and he is probably abit too optimistic in some places e.g. the b5 gambit in the 4. Qc2 line can be handled with 8. Bg5 (and Nf3/e3) where black isn't as equal as he seems to suggest. The analysis of that 5. Ne2 c5 line seems better but the positions are so unusual that its an acquired taste...

One issue is that there isn't the same coherence in the lines selected as compared to say Sielecki (dark squared strategy), Roiz etc. So Kasimdz would make a good secondary source if you already have other nimzo sources.
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Kazimdzhanov Nimzo-Indian DVD
12/30/18 at 21:35:21
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It's been out for a reasonable amount of time, has anyone watched it and has some opinions? I'm interesting in it, some of the lines presented are or have been in my repertoire at one point  or another (particularly intrigued by 4 e3 b6 5 Ne2 c5!? and 4 Qc2 0-0 5 a3 Bxc3 6 Qxc3 b5!?).
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