Stigma wrote on 03/25/19 at 19:20:55:
Hi Leon_Trotsky,
Have you considered sending Miedama an e-mail to ask him personally for a bit more information on what he believes is wrong with 7...0-0?
He seems like a nice guy. If you introduce yourself as a fellow Winawer enthusiast, you may get a good answer.
That sounds interesting. Do you know him personally or he has a public e-mail listed somewhere ¿
I had thought that he had found something very deep in the main lines of 13...Df7 or 13...b5 that no one has found yet that could alter the evaluations. But it looks like 9. Ag5 is what he dislikes. I vaguely remember a while ago Erwin L'Ami (if remember correctly) did a short article in ChessBase Magazine about 9. Ag5 for White with some strange new breakthrough after White takes on g6, where White forces f5 at all cost to weaken the d5 point. I wonder if this is part of why Miedema dislikes now 7...0-0.
And both are Dutch players, maybe players in the Netherlands know something about 9. Ag5 that we do not
MW wrote on 03/25/19 at 19:43:57:
Would be really interested to know what is proposed after 12h4 in the main line. I have tried both 12...d4 and 12...b6 with no success but suspect that 12...b6 may be worth looking at more deeply.
If I understand correctly, on the page 215 he says that he has "no specific move order preference" between 12. h4 Ad7 or 12...d4. So I guess he recommends the setup with both moves included. However he does not like the sideline 12...b6 and gives 13. Cxc3 with a +/=.
12. Dd3 d4 and 12...Ad7 both given.
I am just looking through it today, first impression on the book would be high marks