Leon_Trotsky wrote on 05/30/19 at 21:49:48:
I think another question, is why he write so many books ¿
I'd guess the reason he writes so many books and the reason Everyman continues to publish them is that they sell well.
Leon_Trotsky wrote on 05/31/19 at 03:30:35:
But from experience reading his previous books, his writing style is annoying. Hopefully he stops with weird jokes and anecdotes
I'd further guess that his idiosyncratic writing style is key to this success. Like you, I find it irritating, but then I doubt that you or I form part of the target readership of these books, which are probably aimed largely at players who are dipping their toe into the waters of chess literature for the first time and who feel either put off or intimidated by the serious and humourless style of most of it.
Leon_Trotsky wrote on 05/31/19 at 03:30:35:
This looks interesting book. If I had to play 1...e5 and avoid all White's sidelines in Ruy López, Petroff would be a good one.
Perhaps an alternative approach, and one that would reduce the amount of preparation required, would be for you to learn a third-move Ruy Lopez sideline yourself, rather than take up the Petroff. There's plenty of material available on lines such as 3...g6, 3...Nge7 and the Schliemann, for example.