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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Should the opening sections be reorganised? (Read 21684 times)
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Mr Dynamic?

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Should the opening sections be reorganised?
08/14/19 at 10:17:35
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Following on from the discussion about the need for a separate Dragons section (which sprung-up in a 1 d4 d5 post!) David Vigorito sent me some of his thoughts:

Here is my suggestion for restructuring the sections. I have been of this opinion forever, but I know there are operational details. You know when I wrote my Dragon book it was kind of easy, because there were so few games to follow, even when it was relatively fashionable. I would guess that Roiz has to follow about 20x more games in the Open Sicilian section. For subscribers that get 'broken' sections, perhaps you could allow them to choose a section, and then as a courtesy have a download for whatever games they are 'missing' for a certain period of time. Like Nimzo subscribers would get Benoni games as broken down below.


  1.     1.e4 e5
  2.     French & Caro (there are not many more French games than Caro)
  3.     1.e4 ... 
  4.     Open Sicilians (could split into 2...d6 Sicilians, but hard to compress another section)
  5.     Anti-Sicilians
  6.     1.d4 d5 2.c4
  7.     d-Pawn Specials 
  8.     King's Indian & Modern Benoni (more work for me! but often there are logical transpositions, especially in 4 Pawns and Samisch with ...c5)
  9.     Nimzo, Queen's Indian, Bogo
  10.     Grunfeld & Anti Grunfeld (many of these are E60, so they are easily missed. Grunfeld has a lot less games than KID overall, but it is so theoretical)
  11.     Daring Defences (all from ECO 'A': Dutch, Benko, Czech Benoni, Modern, Old Indian, etc)
  12.     Flank Openings

What do subscribers think?
« Last Edit: 08/14/19 at 12:28:03 by GMTonyKosten »  
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