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Re: How to play Najdorf against passive play
Reply #5 - 10/12/19 at 00:33:29
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The core of the Scheveninger structures is that they are quiet solid. In critical lines it is like this: White is trying to attack you, but if you don´t get checkmated, you will have all your longterm advantages. (pressure on the c-file, b5-b4, one more pawn in the center)

If your opponent is not attacking you at all, you get these advantages for free. Obviously, because black lacks space, you might need a few moves to untangle. I mean, if you look at your final position, you will recognise, that most of your pieces are solidly placed, but far from ideal. Bring your f8-bishop in the game. (If White stays passive, you might even play Be7-d8-b6.) The rook on e8 has lost its purpose, cause there is no Bxe6 sacrifice in the air. Bring it to the c-file for example (and the other rook to b8 if White continues with his Re1-f1-e1-manoeuvre:) ). The Knight on d7 has the easy route via e5 to c4. Yout bishop on b7 is fine, but somehow in the way of your own play on the b-file. The idea Bc6 was aleady mentioned. (If White does for Nd4, you can drop back to d7 or e8- with the white pieces so passively placed, you don´t really need to keep the pressure on the e4 pawn. f3-f4-f5 will never ever lead to a dangerous attack)

Overall: Just ask your pieces, if they are happy, where they are. In the Sheveninger you make a lot of "strange"/subtle moves, anticipating a White attack. (Re8 and Bf8 for example) If there is no White attack, you can switch your mindset and reevaluate your piece placement by "classical rules".
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Re: How to play Najdorf against passive play
Reply #4 - 10/11/19 at 15:27:17
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Najdorf players worry about the strangest things, apparently.  Read Pawn Structure Chess and Mastering the Endgame vol. 1 and enjoy your superior position!
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Re: How to play Najdorf against passive play
Reply #3 - 10/11/19 at 12:20:01
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Well.. I guess there are more critical lines a Najdorf player should focus on. If your opponent plays passively and surrenders the bishop pair then just be happy with the outcome of the opening. At some point you just have to play on your own and an ordinary chessplayer gave good advice how to potentially handle this type of positions imo. If it does not work tactically move by move then just make reasonable moves to slowly improve.. Whites play looks not very threatening.
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Re: How to play Najdorf against passive play
Reply #2 - 10/11/19 at 02:45:45
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an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 10/11/19 at 01:35:50:
There is the Scheveningen plan, ...Bb7-c6, ...Qc7-b7, ...a6-a5, ...b5-b4. Or maybe Fischer's hedgehog plan, ...Kg8-h8, ...R-g8, ...g7-g5, ...Rg8-g6, ...other-R-g8. The way your line went, once Ba2xNc4 happens, black can play a well-timed ...e6-e5 followed soon by ...d6-d5 to open the game for the B-pair. The Sicilian is a perfect opening for black if white plays passively.

But I guess the question is is there a way to accomplish these thinggs without the engine screaming bad bad bad white can counter this in the line I gave.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: How to play Najdorf against passive play
Reply #1 - 10/11/19 at 01:35:50
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There is the Scheveningen plan, ...Bb7-c6, ...Qc7-b7, ...a6-a5, ...b5-b4. Or maybe Fischer's hedgehog plan, ...Kg8-h8, ...R-g8, ...g7-g5, ...Rg8-g6, ...other-R-g8. The way your line went, once Ba2xNc4 happens, black can play a well-timed ...e6-e5 followed soon by ...d6-d5 to open the game for the B-pair. The Sicilian is a perfect opening for black if white plays passively.
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How to play Najdorf against passive play
10/11/19 at 01:09:32
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I was playing around with the engine and looking at the following line of the najdorf and had white sit around mostly passive with pawns on e4,f3, rooks on d1,e1. A lot of the moves below consist of white. moving his rook back and forth from e1 and f1. And I was surprised by the lack of an obvious way for black to capitalize. Now in the end position stockfish gives like -0.7 or -0.6 for black but it is not so obvious how to breakthrough. I suppose for an engine playing super precise sure. But given how many passive moves are made I would have thought that black would have something more obvious. What am I not understanding about how to play these positions?

1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 d6 3. d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6
5. Nc3 a6 6. Bc4 e6 7. a3 Be7 8. O-O O-O
9. Be3 b5 10. Ba2 Bb7 11. f3 Nbd7 12. Qe1 Re8
13. Rd1 Bf8 14. Qf2 Qc7 15. Rfe1 Rac8 16. Rf1 Ne5
17. Rfe1 Nc4 18. Bxc4 Qxc4 19. Rf1 Nd7 20. Rfe1 Qc7
21. Nb3
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