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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #10 - 01/17/20 at 07:40:43
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I got the book finally and have already started checking it. I really liked his line against the main 7 Bc4 Exchange, where he plays with 10...e6!? in the main position. It holds up to engine analysis, and is very rare at any levels, which makes it a great weapon.

Hope the rest of the book is this good!
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #9 - 12/10/19 at 02:35:52
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True, I think that the Hungarian System needs minimum 10 pages.

The Fianchetto section I would add also at least 10 more pages, but for each--for both the ...c6/...d5 variation as well as the dynamic variation.
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #8 - 12/09/19 at 23:45:15
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MNb wrote on 12/09/19 at 14:43:05:
A souble pawn sac by definition is not safest, but 7...Nc6 8.Be2 e5 9.d5 Nd4 10.Nxd4 exd4 11.Qxd4 c6 12.Qc4 b5! has done very well in corr. chess.

Delchev covers this as well, in fact, and paradoxically, although he calls it his 'backup line', he analyses it over nearly two pages, slightly more than he spends on 7.a6, which he calls his 'main repertoire' choice. Don't get me wrong, I like this book overall: there are some interesting and original ideas in it. However, the section on 5.Qb3 is woefully inadequate for such an important and frequently encountered line of the Grunfeld.
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #7 - 12/09/19 at 14:43:05
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A souble pawn sac by definition is not safest, but 7...Nc6 8.Be2 e5 9.d5 Nd4 10.Nxd4 exd4 11.Qxd4 c6 12.Qc4 b5! has done very well in corr. chess.

Giri,A (2783) - Mamedjarov,S (2817) [D97]
81st Tata Steel GpA Wijk aan Zee NED (3.3), 14.01.2019


At the other hand 7 wins for White, 45 draws and 8 losses suggest this is safe for Black indeed.

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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #6 - 12/09/19 at 12:31:19
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Leon_Trotsky wrote on 12/09/19 at 06:42:53:
I look in my book and he switched the main recommendation in the Russian Variation to the Hungarian (7...a6), which I think is a good change.

I don't disagree with this, but he covers the entire line after 7...a6 in one-and-a-half pages, which is completely inadequate.
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #5 - 12/09/19 at 12:21:45
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If it is useful to know, Kaufman recommends the same line in his most recent book.
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #4 - 12/09/19 at 06:42:53
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Stigma wrote on 12/09/19 at 00:15:24:
Not all Grünfeld players want clean positions, at least not all the time. I know when I play it I want complex, unclear positions with winning chances (though I also have the even more complex Leningrad Dutch in my repertoire). Against 7.Nf3/8.Rb1 I have considered virtually everything except the main line with ...Qa5+ and ...Qxa2. Maybe I will be forced to come around to it eventually, but I resist it.

If you're referring to the word Safest in the title, you do have a point - the ...Qxa2 lines probably fit that aim. But I don't have the impression that Delchev really goes for the safest or most drawish lines all the time - in spite of the book title his actual recommendations are somewhere in the middle as far as Grünfeld sharpness and winning chances go.

You have a point. The title I probably took too literally. That line with the knight on c6 I am not very familiar with. I remember 15 years ago I saw games where Black got destroyed several times at elite levels in this line, so that may have clouded my judgement. 

"Safest" for the Grünfeld sounds weird to me anyway. The opening is by definition double-edged on purpose to create imbalances to win as Black. It could be like calling a book The Solid Botwinnik Semi-Slav. But then again they had a book called Safest Sicilian, so...

I look in my book and he switched the main recommendation in the Russian Variation to the Hungarian (7...a6), which I think is a good change. The 7...Cc6 line I think is not as theoretically robust. Especially since that Giri-Swinkels game a few years ago.

He gives both the solid and dynamic lines against the Fianchetto Variation. I disagree that the ...c6/...d5 line is only to draw. Black can play for a win here just like in the Exchange Slav. But I think that objectively after sufficient analysis, both the solid and dynamic (where Black recaptures with the knight on d5) are equal.
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #3 - 12/09/19 at 00:15:24
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Leon_Trotsky wrote on 12/08/19 at 23:12:57:
I think that it is a good book. But why he insists with recommending that line with the knight on c6 against 7. Cf3 c5 8. Tb1 I am not sure. Maybe he really likes it, but I think that the old main line where Black picks up the queenside pawns with his queen seems cleaner to me.

Not all Grünfeld players want clean positions, at least not all the time. I know when I play it I want complex, unclear positions with winning chances (though I also have the even more complex Leningrad Dutch in my repertoire). Against 7.Nf3/8.Rb1 I have considered virtually everything except the main line with ...Qa5+ and ...Qxa2. Maybe I will be forced to come around to it eventually, but I resist it.

If you're referring to the word Safest in the title, you do have a point - the ...Qxa2 lines probably fit that aim. But I don't have the impression that Delchev really goes for the safest or most drawish lines all the time - in spite of the book title his actual recommendations are somewhere in the middle as far as Grünfeld sharpness and winning chances go.

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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #2 - 12/08/19 at 23:12:57
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I think that it is a good book. But why he insists with recommending that line with the knight on c6 against 7. Cf3 c5 8. Tb1 I am not sure. Maybe he really likes it, but I think that the old main line where Black picks up the queenside pawns with his queen seems cleaner to me.
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Re: The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
Reply #1 - 12/08/19 at 19:22:16
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I have the book and I think that it is excellent. Delchev analyzes a number of interesting ideas, including 10...e6!? in the 7.Bc4 Exchange line and the dynamic 9...Nc6 in the 7.Nf3 c5 8.Rb1 Exchange line.

I haven't studied the first addition or Rowson's classic in-depth, but I can say that there is surprisingly little overlap between The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded and Svidler's chess24 series. Some of Svidler's lines are somewhat outdated at this point, so I do think that Delchev's book has value even if you already have Svidler's video series.
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The Safest Grunfeld Reloaded by Delchev
12/08/19 at 16:04:00
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I haven't seen this book covered in this forum anywhere. I am thinking of buying this, as I liked their previous work (the Safest Grunfeld 2011 written with Agrest) quite a lot. If anyone has this, how does this compare to the previous edition, and should I buy this if I already have Svidler's chess24 video series and Rowson's old 'Understanding the Grunfeld' ?

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