Just had a first glance at it. But I’m tired and don’t have much knowledge about 1...b6
Yes, the real Odessky again: funny and dialectic but always instructive!
If you really want to build up a complete repertoire with 1.b3 or 1...b6 , you can see this book as an useful & necessary update to Odessky‘s books from 2003 and 2008. But you don‘t need to, you can just read this one and learn something about tricks & traps, schemes, practical chess, human tragedies and why we don’t deserve to win if we play limited openings.
It‘s nice too see that (in the b3-lines) Odessky had similar problems in the last 12 years as I had, and that he had similar ideas for salvation which didn’t work much better than mine. Maybe later I will give some lines.
It‘s perhaps a little less philosophical (but still very much) and certainly much more chaotic to read because 1.b3 and 1...b6 themes are alternating according to themes. And because it’s not devided in about 20 chapters but in fact only in 3 very long parts which you should each read from start to end!?
Of course 6 stars out of 5