an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 01/13/20 at 05:06:46:
RE 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 Rb8.
Geller gave 6.a4!? a6 7.f4 += in the first edition of ECO.
Practical results suggest otherwise.
an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 01/13/20 at 05:06:46:
I don't think 6.Be3 is an accurate move. Better are Spassky's 6.Nh3 and Lane's 6.f4.
Might be so, but Black in both cases can answer 6...b5,. which of course is a very common plan. In either case Black will only transpose to 2...d6 lines when it suits him/her. So my conclusion remains correct: 2...Nc6 3.g3 does not necessarily transpose to 2...d6 3.g3 but gives Black an important extra option that does very well in practice.
an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 01/13/20 at 05:06:46:
If white is keen to play Be3, it's probably better to play Ljubojevic's 4.d3 move order.
4...Rb8 5.Be3 b5 still looks interesting; again, Black doesn't need to play ...d6.
Were I White I would take your argument two steps further and begin with 2.d3. That avoids all the early b7-b5-b4 stuff. Of course Black can force White to play the KID (beginning with d5 3.Nd2), but that's more interesting than the Closed Sicilian after 2.Nc3 e6 3.g3 d5 anyway.
an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 01/13/20 at 05:06:46:
Anyway, in the game Burchardt - Levitina, Manila ol 1992, the continuation was 6.Be3 b5 7.Qd2 (Ravikumar analyzed 7.Bxc5 to advantage for black) 7...b4 8.Nd1 d6, transposing to a position black could have easily reached via 5...d6 and 6...Rb8. Did you have an improvement over Levitina's 8...d6?
I don't need to have any; I only claimed that as far as the Closed Sicilian is concerned 2...Nc6 is more accurate. I onlly need to point out that Black has more options. Black might consider 8...Qa5 iso 8...d6 or 7...Nd4 iso 7...b4. These suggestions are not necessarily better than the transposition. Again, Black will only transpose to 2...d6 3.g3 lines when it suits hm/her and that's always nice, especially because Black can figure this out in his/her study.
an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 01/13/20 at 05:06:46:
RE 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 Nc6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 e6.
I agree 6.Be3 is best, and then 6...d6 is best. What white has given up is minimal.
I wouldn't call giving up 1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 d6 3.g3 g6 4.Bg2 Bg7 5.d3 Nc6 6.f4 minmal. My database contains 2000+ games that support my view. That includes six games of a famous 1968 Candidates match.