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Re: Winawer with b6
Reply #5 - 02/10/20 at 00:14:28
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Thanks for the info....I might have a closer look at the recent game Lu-Marin from the 31st Roquetas de Mar Open 2020 where he seemed to have trouble with the 5 h4 Ne7 6 h5 h6 7 Qg4 line....but your comments are encouraging to an old French player how doesn't like Sicilian type positions!

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Re: Winawer with b6
Reply #4 - 02/09/20 at 19:53:41
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Well there are some holes there as well, is realtive unexplored area after all

I met the very same novelty in two different games vs hiegher rated players, I assume they played computer top moves  in the opening,,but I won one game  I think my opponent made a mouseslip far later on  in an equal position so blundered the Queen, and the othe game become a draw.

Orignally there as also a great hole in that Qg4 Bf8 Nf3 was not covered at all but the database was updated this year and now hes recommendation is Ne7 when I actually think whites Knight is a bit missplaced at f3. I can to give to much details do to tournamnet rules I am already at least equal in a  current gamee in that line.

I also met a3 Bf8 system once and the position can beocome very sharp, I followed Marins lines and got an easy draw.

I also met untheoritical tries a fews time where I equalised by playing natural moves.
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Re: Winawer with b6
Reply #3 - 02/08/20 at 19:07:32
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bragesjo wrote on 02/08/20 at 16:30:58:
About the line I have played it several correspondence games.
The line is underrated since computers thinks that white is more than a pawn better at first sight but after every accurate theoretical move entered the position is suddenly called equal.

The best source is Marins opening database from modern chess

Although being a French player from way back I now avoid using it in correspondence as I have not been happy with the resulting positions  ....I did think about Marins Modern Chess repertoire as I thought the.. b6 lines would require my opponents to have a better understanding of the opening rather than trotting out 20 odd moves in a forced line of the poison pawn. But having brought one opening repertoire from Modern Chess I thought the coverage was rather do you 
think Marin's work gives full coverage of  the ...b6 line?
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Re: Winawer with b6
Reply #2 - 02/08/20 at 16:30:58
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About the line I have played it several correspondence games.
The line is underrated since computers thinks that white is more than a pawn better at first sight but after every accurate theoretical move entered the position is suddenly called equal.

The best source is Marins opening database from modern chess.
Lakdawalas French book also goes for it but there are some holes and omissions at several places.
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Re: Winawer with b6
Reply #1 - 01/16/20 at 19:03:26
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Mtal wrote on 01/16/20 at 17:33:43:
Hi all, I was just wondering what is the current opinion of the winawer with b6? I know theres some classic games in it that are interesting but you hardly see it played.

I checked out the weekly games in TWIC for 2019 and got around 140 games where either the line with 4. .. b6 and 4. .. Qd7 were played. That included a game between Aronian and Carlsen in the London Classic in December. By contrast the Winawer with 4. e5 featured around 950. 

In the absence of recent books, you would have to do your own research. 
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Winawer with b6
01/16/20 at 17:33:43
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Hi all, I was just wondering what is the current opinion of the winawer with b6? I know theres some classic games in it that are interesting but you hardly see it played. I feel theres so many ways you can play the opening. Some castle ooo, some try to trade the bishop. Looks like a lot of subtleties that are hard to learn. It also seems sharp with a lot of opposite side castling games.

Oh when white plays a3, does the bishop always go back to f8?

Also any good books on it? All I know if is the old bastford one, new french book by everyman, Moskalinko's flexible french and I think Marin has something too. I have all but the last and will probably start reading up on it more (I always played the poision pawn but want something less crazy lol). Thanks.
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