Laramonet wrote on 04/07/20 at 06:47:19:
In another thread on the Marshall Gambit, the Botvinnik is discussed as being recommended on a Chessable Semi-Slav from the Triangle course. Assuming there vis not a second course, did the Botvinnik get replaced by the Cambridge Springs ? Or is it offered as a sharper, riskier alternative ? It isn't mentioned on the Chessable page.
As the author of that thread and also of that upcoming course I can inform you that your assumption is incorrect: there are two courses, one of which authored by Shankland has just been published and is the subject of this thread (which recommends the Cambridge Springs and Slav move order), and another authored by me still under construction (which recommends the Botvinnik and the Triangle move order). The timing is a little unfortunate and at points I have been discouraged by the prospects of competing with a ~2700 GM, but I suppose there's not much I can do about it. Besides, by this point the Sunk Costs fallacy mandates me to finish and publish it!
I haven't purchased Shankland's course so I cannot say anything too informative about it, but judging from his choice of lines and discussion in the forums it appears that his general approach is to prioritise simplicity and safety (hence his choice of the Slav move order, the 8... Bd6 Meran and the Cambridge Springs), while mine is to go for the sharpest possible options and maximise the benefits of preparation (hence the Triangle, 8... a6 Meran and the Botvinnik). Shankland is certainly a world class theoretician and by all reports so far this course is of high quality, so if his approach appeals to you then I would certainly recommend his course ahead of mine. If on the other hand you want sharp complications ... then I will let you think of an appropriate replacement to this clause in the sentence

. (I shouldn't be too shameless in a thread about Shankland's course!)
I bought GM Shankland's course and am really enjoying it so far. However, I'd be very interested in a course that covers the triangle move order, Marshall, and the Botvinnik. Seems like a perfect complement to me. Looking forward to the release of your course.