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Normal Topic 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2 (Read 2373 times)
Lauri Torni
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Re: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2
Reply #2 - 03/09/20 at 19:42:43
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Thanks for answering. I will look at this possibility.

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Re: 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2
Reply #1 - 03/09/20 at 14:29:52
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When I still played the Frenched I preferred 7...cxd4 first so that I wouldn't have to worry about Nexd4 later. That leaves 8.cxd4 Qb6 9.Nf3 f6 10.exf6 Nxf6 11.g3 (or 11.Nc3 Bd6 with the same idea) Bd6 12.Bg2 O-O 13.O-O and thanks to the pin Black has e5! Aseev-Pesiakov, St. Peterburg 1999.
In case of 8.Nxd4 Black can avoid all transpositions with Nxd4 9.cxd4 Nb8 followed by Qb6 and either Nc6 or Bc8-d7-b5.
As far as I know (but I haven't exactly read all releavant literature on the French) the question when to exchange on d4 never has been investigated systemetically.

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Lauri Torni
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1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2
03/09/20 at 13:14:11
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I have one simple question on a line which should be totally innocuous but I find it difficult to play against:

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Nce2 c5 6.c3 Nc6 7. f4 Qb6  (is this best? Some strong players have recently played 7.-Be7 and 8.-0.0) 8. Nf3 f6

Here 9.g3 and 9.a3 are fine for black, but I find the (supposedly bad) 9.ef  Nxf6 10.g3 hard to find a plan against. White plays slowly, but has potential for landing a knigtht later on e5. Perhaps black should play now 10. -cd, as here best seems to be  11.Nexd4. If black playes -cd later, white can consider cd with a grip on e5. 

What do you think? What is the best line against 9.ef? What is black's plan after 11.Nexd4?

1.Nf3! -  beat your opponent by killing his zest for life.
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