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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) C-K Revisited by Rambaldi (Read 12553 times)
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #15 - 06/21/20 at 18:19:00
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I'm about halfway through this book and am thoroughly enjoying it. Firstly, the recommendation of Nf6 and ef in the main line is a refreshing change. I've played Bf5 for some time and have spent time trying to make gf work, unsuccessfully.
The other section I have looked at is ..., c5 versus the Advance. Contrary to an opinion above, this makes so much more sense to me than Bf5 which I could never truly get on with. What I did find initially confusing was the divergence from Houska on the first page i.e. 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4. dc e6 5. Be3 where Rambaldi goes for Nd7, as did Kornev. However, he gives 5..., Nh6 ?! due to 6. Bd3 Nd7 7. Nf3 Ng4 8. Bf4 Bc5 9. 0-0 f6 10. ef Qf6 11. Bg3 0-0 12. Qe1. I may be much weaker and worse in guiding the software after trying myself but isn't Black fine after Houska's 6..., Nc6 ? If the same set-up is adopted i.e 7. Nf3 Ng4 8. Bf4 Bc5 9. 0-0 doesn't it look good for Black after 9...., Qb6 ?
With Rambaldi's move 6..., Nd7 7. Nf3 Ng4 8. Bf4 Bc5 9. 0-0 Qb6 looks good enough to keep the balance.
However, beyond that small point, I like Rambaldi's recommendations. He has obviously grown up with the computer and makes the comment to the affect that "as usual this mess ends up as a perpetual when we use the computer" several times. He seems to advocate Black's activity over all else in the c5 Advance and makes it look good to my ~ 2000 ELO eyes !
He does reveal another position type in the Advance where he differs from Houska, perhaps with more justifcation. After 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 c5 4. dc e6 5. a3, Rambaldi likes Bc5, over the Nc6 recommended by Houska. After 5. a3 Nc6 6. Nf3 Bc5 7. b4 Bb6 8. Bb2 Nge7 9. Nbd2 0-0 10. Bd3 Ng6, he likes 11. b5.
Having played this line in club and limited international chess for a number of years, 4. c3 is the most common answer. Not a scientific reason to prefer 3. e5 c5 over 3. e5 Bf5 but a practical one !
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #14 - 06/05/20 at 10:02:05
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #13 - 05/28/20 at 17:29:46
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fjd wrote on 04/14/20 at 02:04:31:
I seem to remember Fernandez did cover the Advance with 3...c5.

Only the Arkell-Khenkin Variation after 4.dxc5 e6.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #12 - 04/14/20 at 02:04:31
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I seem to remember Fernandez did cover the Advance with 3...c5.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #11 - 04/13/20 at 22:05:10
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It is a little strange as you say, but I notice that Fernandez did the proof reading for this book...

They do use pretty different lines ....c5 against the Advance as opposed to Fernandez's ...Bf5;  ....Nf6 in the Main Line as opposed to......Nbd7 and even in the Two Knights the authors chose different 3rd moves...
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #10 - 04/13/20 at 13:05:26
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With excerpt.

I find it strange that the book by Fernandez, which is from the same publisher, is not in the Bibliography.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #9 - 04/05/20 at 16:47:57
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I just looked at Niggemann and the sample extract says -

Chapter 10 - The Main Line (4...Nf6 5.Nxf6 exf6) Smiley

Which I am delighted about! I would have skipped this book had it been the usual main line with ...Bf5 as per Schandorff/Bologan etc...but this is good news indeed!
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #8 - 04/05/20 at 09:06:43
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If you write a book recommending 3.. Bf5 you have to try and cover all of white's approaches. Dozens.

Which is an OK job in a practical sense as there's only a few of white's approaches that truly yield tactically critical positions and you can common sense most of the rest. 

That's not how people write books these days though, 'expected' to do concrete variations quite deep. Incredibly hard for 3.. Bf5.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #7 - 04/04/20 at 04:03:53
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Indeed, I don't understand why so many of these repertoires advocate 3...c5. Maybe it's a case of "every opening is equal" if you let the engine run long enough. Nevertheless I still like white, and I'm not playing correspondence chess. If black promised to play 3...c5 then I would choose the Advance Variation every time. But around these parts nobody pays attention to the repertoires, they all play 3...Bf5, which in my view is a much healthier approach.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #6 - 04/04/20 at 00:44:15
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I haven't played the Caro for awhile, but in the Advance Variation with 3...c5 4 dxc5 e6 isn't 5 a3 just condemning black to a pretty miserable time?

A quick look at my database suggest white is doing well in most variations or am I missing something?
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #5 - 04/03/20 at 17:22:46
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I predict 4...Bf5, because "Alternatives on moves 5 and 6" makes less sense for 4...Nd7, and "The Main Line" makes less sense for 4...Nf6. Fifty-six pages for 4...Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 seems like a good fit to me.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #4 - 04/03/20 at 17:15:53
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Thanks for the post with the details. Agreed, I can't tell what the recommendation is vs 3.Nc3.

I noticed the bibliography does not include Daniel Fernandez' book (4...Nd7), or the one by Karpov and Podgaets on the classical line (4...Bf5).

Edit: Also don't see Shaw's 1.e4 repertoire or Kornev's repertoire book either.

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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #3 - 04/03/20 at 14:22:06
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Now announced for April 17th ! 
At Niggemann there‘s a preview and a ToC :

004 Key to Symbols
005 Bibliography
010 Preface
PART I – Advance Caro-Kann
015 Chapter 1 – 4.dxc5 e6 5.Be3
025 Chapter 2 – 4.dxc5 e6 5.a3
051 Chapter 3 – 4.dxc5 e6 5.Nf3 with 8.a3
073 Chapter 4 – 4.dxc5 e6 5.Nf3 with 8.Nbd2
093 Chapter 5 – Lines with Qg4
115 Chapter 6 – 4.c3
125 Chapter 7 – 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.c4
143 Chapter 8 – 4.Nf3 Nc6 5.dxc5
PART II – Open Caro-Kann
177 Chapter 9 – Alternatives on moves 5 and 6
191 Chapter 10 – The Main Line
PART III – Two Knights Caro-Kann
247 Chapter 11 – The classical 3...Bg4
PART IV – Panov Variation
291 Chapter 12 – 5...Nc6
315 Chapter 13 – 5...e6
329 Chapter 14 – The early 2.c4!?
PART V – Exchange Caro-Kann
343 Chapter 15 – 4.Bd3
PART VI – Miscellaneous
383 Chapter 16 – Minor alternatives
397 Chapter 17 – The Fantasy Variation

No real information about the main line after 3Nc3 .
But looks interesting.

tracke  Smiley
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #2 - 03/15/20 at 15:54:48
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No further details on the website yet.
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Re: C-K Revisited by Rambaldi
Reply #1 - 03/14/20 at 10:33:08
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I thought they just did a pretty fair book on the Caro, well too many good books is an oxymoron.
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