HAJS wrote on 04/07/20 at 02:24:01:
I took up the Caro-Kann with Vidit's DVD but never felt entirely comfortable playing against the Advance. I do not know if it is because I don't like to play with a space disadvantage or because White has such a wide array of ways to play.
I would not mind some further instruction on the Advance. Any good books or DVD's that you can recommend with 4..Bf5?
Two recent books cover 3...Bf5, namely
Bologan's Caro-Kann (New in Chess, 2018) and
The Modernized Caro-Kann by Daniel Fernandez (Thinkers Publishing, 2018). They are very different. If the Advance Caro with 3...Bf5 was an academic course, Bologan would undoubtedly be the 'set text'; it covers all reasonable possibilities for White and provides a playable recommendation against each. Fernandez concentrates on the main lines, and gives a choice of responses to the Short system, namely 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 Bf5 4.Nf3 e6 5.Be2 and now either 5...Ne7 or 5...c5. Incidentally, this is characteristic of Fernandez's book as a whole - he does not aim at encyclopedic coverage where he thinks the existing literature is adequate, but provides a lot of novel analysis and observations you won't find anywhere else.
A small detail: in the Short system after 5.Be2 Ne7 6.OO c5 7.c4 Nbc6 8.dxc5, Bologan covers 8...dxc4 and Fernandez covers 8...d4; neither comments on the other's alternative.
In any case this is a popular and relatively fast-moving line, so it is necessary to keep up to date with new games. (When we get back to having new games....) As everyone knows the Caro coverage here on ChessPub is currently co-provided by the selfsame Daniel Fernandez.