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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov (Read 18304 times)
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #18 - 04/13/20 at 20:20:48
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halbstark wrote on 04/13/20 at 19:53:13:
But if white goes for 7.Nd2, there is only the choice between the Nbd7 and the Na6-line, right? So black needs to have one of those lines in his repertoire anyways I guess.

Well, another old possibility against Nd2 is 9...Ne8 with the idea of ...f5.
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #17 - 04/13/20 at 19:53:13
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kylemeister wrote on 04/13/20 at 15:41:45:

In the old-school Classical (no early Nd2) I would have thought that 9...a6 10. a4 Bg4 is still quite respected, as in equal or unclear in the best-play lines.

Just checked my own files with ...Bg4. My assessment was indeed +=, but I have to say, that my analysis doen´t look to impressive to say the least:D I would rather pick white, but strategically it is quite double edged. 

But if white goes for 7.Nd2, there is only the choice between the Nbd7 and the Na6-line, right? So black needs to have one of those lines in his repertoire anyways I guess.
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #16 - 04/13/20 at 19:28:09
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Thirded, at least for OTB play. Smiley
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #15 - 04/13/20 at 17:17:02
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Stigma wrote on 04/13/20 at 15:14:43:
gewgaw wrote on 04/13/20 at 11:37:57:
I my eyes, the Benoni is back in business, when - in the Bd3 +h3 - lines like 9. ...a6 10.a4 Nbd7/Re8/Nh5 work.

So you think White gets an advantage against 9...b5. May I ask in which lines exactly?

I agree with gewgaw.  I don't think White gets an advantage against 9..b5; in fact, afaik, 9..b5 is considered Black's best move.  But having to hold a draw in an endgame is not what I'm looking for when I play the Benoni.   
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #14 - 04/13/20 at 15:41:45
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halbstark wrote on 04/13/20 at 12:30:34:
TBH when it comes to setups with Nf3 I find the classical Be2 the most annoying one. From the white side I always thought, that 9...Bg4 or 9...Na6 are just slightly better for white and my pet lines with 9...Nbd7 have so many special move orders, that it is barely possible to solve the problems with pure memorization.

In the old-school Classical (no early Nd2) I would have thought that 9...a6 10. a4 Bg4 is still quite respected, as in equal or unclear in the best-play lines.
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #13 - 04/13/20 at 15:14:43
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gewgaw wrote on 04/13/20 at 11:37:57:
I my eyes, the Benoni is back in business, when - in the Bd3 +h3 - lines like 9. ...a6 10.a4 Nbd7/Re8/Nh5 work.

So you think White gets an advantage against 9...b5. May I ask in which lines exactly?

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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #12 - 04/13/20 at 12:30:34
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h3+Bd3 is in my eyes really not a problem. I am always happy, if my opponents go for it. I play 9...b5 and have a decent plus score with black. There are a "few" critical ideas, but in reality that means, that black has to know 2-3 precise moves and that´s about it. Considering, that Bd3 does still seem to be main line for most d4-players, you meet these set-ups so frequently, that it is more or less impossible to forget your lines there:)

I am not sure, about these ...Nh5-ideas in the Bd3-line. IMO White can answer Nh5 always with Be2!, which avoids the Ne5-idea and makes it very hard for black to create counterplay.

TBH when it comes to setups with Nf3 I find the classical Be2 the most annoying one. From the white side I always thought, that 9...Bg4 or 9...Na6 are just slightly better for white and my pet lines with 9...Nbd7 have so many special move orders, that it is barely possible to solve the problems with pure memorization. (I started playing these lines going for Ne5 and g5 against everything - and I think this is working well against Re1 and Nf1-, but if White plays moves like Qc2, a4, Ra3, h3 in a random move order, it is hard to equalize on autopilot.)
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #11 - 04/13/20 at 11:37:57
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I my eyes, the Benoni is back in business, when - in the Bd3 +h3 - lines like 9. ...a6 10.a4 Nbd7/Re8/Nh5 work.

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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #10 - 04/12/20 at 22:38:43
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gewgaw wrote on 04/12/20 at 21:32:01:
How can Black be back in Benoni? 
Today I checked Dreev's book (Dreev vs Benoni) from 2013 with the help of stockfish 10 and the verdict is the same as ever in the Bd3+h3 line: White plays for two results risk free, Black has to suffer.

I thought the endgame line after 9...b5 10.Bxb5 was more or less analyzed out to a draw. And therefore the focus had shifted to the Classical and Bf4 lines in recent years (given that Nf3 has been played). So while it makes the Benoni problematic as a try for winning chances for Black, h3+Bd3 isn't a theoretical threat.

I could be wrong though. And maybe there is still some play for White in the 10.Nxb5 lines.

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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #9 - 04/12/20 at 21:32:01
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How can Black be back in Benoni? 
Today I checked Dreev's book (Dreev vs Benoni) from 2013 with the help of stockfish 10 and the verdict is the same as ever in the Bd3+h3 line: White plays for two results risk free, Black has to suffer.

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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #8 - 04/11/20 at 21:25:38
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ErictheRed wrote on 04/11/20 at 16:17:13:
What's considered to be Black's best way meeting 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 these days? 

I understand that this move order is a problem for Benko players (at least if they don't want to play the Maroczy Bind) but can't a Modern Benoni player just go 2... e6 with the intention of playing 3... c5 against any of 3. c4, 3. g3, 3. Bg5, 3. Bf4, or 3. e3? I don't know if black is supposed to be in trouble after 2... c5 3. d5, but it does seem like a lot of unnecessary extra work to me.
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #7 - 04/11/20 at 21:22:37
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ErictheRed wrote on 04/11/20 at 16:17:13:
What's considered to be Black's best way meeting 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 these days? 

TBH I don't think, that 3...e6 4.Nc3 equalises. Black has some interesting options, but White seems to be slightly better everywhere.

Some authors (especially those of Benko books) make a point for 3...b5. I heard Sielecki did a good job of equalizing with 4.Bg5 Qb6. But black certainly needs to know some lines there and it is not really in the spirit of us Benoni players.

I personally prefer 2.Nf3 e6 these days. You cut some options against the London and friends, but objektively black is fine there and for me it is a lesser evil than the alternatives.
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #6 - 04/11/20 at 16:17:13
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What's considered to be Black's best way meeting 1.d4 Nf6 2.Nf3 c5 3.d5 these days? 
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #5 - 04/11/20 at 10:43:45
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MW wrote on 04/10/20 at 19:25:28:
I used to enjoy playing the Benoni particularly after the move order 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 and now ....c5 as it avoided the four pawn type set-ups...but nowadays not so sure about how sound it is.

Given the high likelihood of meeting something like 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. Bf4 or even 3. Nc3, it's useful to have confidence that 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 c5 doesn't lead straight into trouble after 3. d5

Similarly with Nimzo move orders. 
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Re: The Benoni is back in Business DVD by Kasimdzhanov
Reply #4 - 04/10/20 at 19:25:28
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I used to enjoy playing the Benoni particularly after the move order 1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 e6 3 Nf3 and now ....c5 as it avoided the four pawn type set-ups...but nowadays not so sure about how sound it is. However, I am getting tired of facing the Catalan so perhaps this new material might be worth a closer look!
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