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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki (Read 20483 times)
Michael Ayton
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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #41 - 05/29/20 at 08:16:47
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hicetnunc wrote on 05/27/20 at 18:39:07:
One of the inconsistencies I have in my chessable version is that in the introduction of the line 1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 Bc5, he gives 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.a3 (and stops there), while in the other ...Bc5 variations, he gives e3 without a3. If you haven't this problem in your ebook, then your version is better than mine.

I'm rather confused here -- can you or anyone else help? I'm not sure which other ...Bc5 line(s) you mean, but after 1 c4 e5 2 g3 Nf6 3 Bg2 Bc5 4 Nc3, Sielecki's Chess24 'main line'* is 4 ...0-0 5 e3 and now 5 ...c6, because, he says, after 5 ...Nc6 White can play 6 Nge2 dispensing with the inessential a2-a3 -- whereas after 4 ...Nc6 he gives 5 a3 as transposing to 3 ...Nc6 4 Nc3 Bc5 5 a3 (5 e3?! d5!). I've always found these lines rather murky: can you or anyone else tell us why ...d5 is inferior on move six with Nge2/...0-0 in? -- it's been tried by some strong players, with mixed results.

* I put 'main line' in quotes because S. chooses this in order to "stay similar to other lines", but also briefly covers 5 Nf3!?, which he suggests is perhaps theoretically strongest.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #40 - 05/27/20 at 18:39:07
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Michael Ayton wrote on 05/27/20 at 11:50:39:
I bought the e-book! Yes, I imagine hicetnunc must have something a bit different. Obviously I haven't got into it yet, but there seems to be plenty of material -- it looks like value for money to me.

One of the inconsistencies I have in my chessable version is that in the introduction of the line 1.c4 e5 2.g3 Nf6 3.Bg2 Bc5, he gives 4.Nc3 Nc6 5.a3 (and stops there), while in the other ...Bc5 variations, he gives e3 without a3. If you haven't this problem in your ebook, then your version is better than mine.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #39 - 05/27/20 at 11:50:39
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I bought the e-book! Yes, I imagine hicetnunc must have something a bit different. Obviously I haven't got into it yet, but there seems to be plenty of material -- it looks like value for money to me.
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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #38 - 05/27/20 at 11:18:23
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hicetnunc wrote on 05/27/20 at 06:23:30:
Michael Ayton wrote on 05/26/20 at 20:57:19:
I'm tempted by the Sielecki e-book on Chess 24. Has anyone got/seen this, or have any knowledge of what the Chess 24 e-books are like? For example, the e-book in this case is less then half the price of the video, so does that mean you'd get fewer lines/moves covered or mentioned, or less explanation, or less of both?

And what of Premium relative to buying an e-book? The FAQs say Premium gives you 'access' to all videos and e-books -- but does that really mean you can download/save them all, or just view them while your membership lasts?

I've bought it on Chessable and I've found it very disappointing : almost no explanations, no model games, many engine generated lines with += without any tips on how to proceed as white and at least one part where transpositions are not correctly covered (...e5/Bc5 chapter). In similar Reti lines he also doesn't explain different move-order choices.

I won't buy any of his products in the future.

I think you bought a very old product. His 1.c4 repertoire isn't out yet. His previous repertoires have a lot of explanation and practical, very well researched lines. 

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #37 - 05/27/20 at 06:23:30
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Michael Ayton wrote on 05/26/20 at 20:57:19:
I'm tempted by the Sielecki e-book on Chess 24. Has anyone got/seen this, or have any knowledge of what the Chess 24 e-books are like? For example, the e-book in this case is less then half the price of the video, so does that mean you'd get fewer lines/moves covered or mentioned, or less explanation, or less of both?

And what of Premium relative to buying an e-book? The FAQs say Premium gives you 'access' to all videos and e-books -- but does that really mean you can download/save them all, or just view them while your membership lasts?

I've bought it on Chessable and I've found it very disappointing : almost no explanations, no model games, many engine generated lines with += without any tips on how to proceed as white and at least one part where transpositions are not correctly covered (...e5/Bc5 chapter). In similar Reti lines he also doesn't explain different move-order choices.

I won't buy any of his products in the future.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #36 - 05/26/20 at 22:21:03
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My experience is more lines covered, but almost no explanations.
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Michael Ayton
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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #35 - 05/26/20 at 20:57:19
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I'm tempted by the Sielecki e-book on Chess 24. Has anyone got/seen this, or have any knowledge of what the Chess 24 e-books are like? For example, the e-book in this case is less then half the price of the video, so does that mean you'd get fewer lines/moves covered or mentioned, or less explanation, or less of both?

And what of Premium relative to buying an e-book? The FAQs say Premium gives you 'access' to all videos and e-books -- but does that really mean you can download/save them all, or just view them while your membership lasts?
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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #34 - 05/11/20 at 19:16:51
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kylemeister wrote on 05/11/20 at 17:32:18:
Evidently the name has been changed to "Lifetime Repertoires: 1. c4 / 1. Nf3."

One other bit:  Sielecki says it will be a little more "main line-ish" than the earlier product.

Thats a shame. The lifetime repertoires are not really simple ones are they - so i wonder if KIS 1.C4 will appear at a later date, i hope so. Would also be keen to see what he would present as a black repertoire.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #33 - 05/11/20 at 17:32:18
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Evidently the name has been changed to "Lifetime Repertoires: 1. c4 / 1. Nf3."

One other bit:  Sielecki says it will be a little more "main line-ish" than the earlier product.
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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #32 - 05/09/20 at 21:20:36
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TopNotch wrote on 05/09/20 at 18:48:35:
MW wrote on 05/08/20 at 05:21:19:
Stigma wrote on 05/08/20 at 02:20:53:
ou know one month of chess24 Premium membership is USD 12,99, right? If you can get all you need out of that Cuenca series (plus anything else you may be interested in) within a month, there's no need

It's a good suggestion but there is one other problem ....I don't speak Spanish!! However, if they release it in English I might just do as you suggest.

By the way, they never tell you up front that your Card will be automatically debited every month and I consider such a deliberate omission to be fraud.

It is set out in their FAQ on the same page as the Membership payment screen.

On the payment options itself it says it will be billed monthly. 

Perhaps i am just used to this sort of payment option, but that to me means my card or whatever will be charged each month. I'm not expecting an email to alert me. 

It might be useful, but i could see it as also being rather annoying. Perhaps it could be an option upon sign up.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #31 - 05/09/20 at 19:48:02
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TopNotch wrote on 05/09/20 at 18:48:35:

I tried that once and Chess24 kept debiting my Credit Card after the month was up even though I did not request renewal. I have noticed that many online businesses have started adopting that sneaky practice, and for that reason alone I have never become a Premium Member of Chess24, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The ethical way to do business would be to send a reminder that your sub is coming to an end, and asking would you like to renew, consequently I am now wary of all paid sites.  

By the way, they never tell you up front that your Card will be automatically debited every month and I consider such a deliberate omission to be fraud.

You have a point, but this business practice is so common that it hardly raises an eyebrow anymore. Even going back to before everybody was online, I joined book and music "clubs" where they would send you the book/CD of the month and expect you to pay for it unless you did something active to cancel it. There was a mandatory returns policy, but of course they knew that many customers won't bother with that in practice.

The obvious solution is to set a calendar reminder the moment you start a monthly membership. Though I'm not going to claim I'm that structured myself. My last chess24 membership actually ended not on purpose, but because my bank sent me a new credit card and the payment from the old one lapsed! Unluckily for chess24, I then decided I could live without them for the time being...

Agreed about the pricing policy - it seems designed to make the membership option clearly the most attractive one.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #30 - 05/09/20 at 18:48:35
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MW wrote on 05/08/20 at 05:21:19:
Stigma wrote on 05/08/20 at 02:20:53:
ou know one month of chess24 Premium membership is USD 12,99, right? If you can get all you need out of that Cuenca series (plus anything else you may be interested in) within a month, there's no need

It's a good suggestion but there is one other problem ....I don't speak Spanish!! However, if they release it in English I might just do as you suggest.

I tried that once and Chess24 kept debiting my Credit Card after the month was up even though I did not request renewal. I have noticed that many online businesses have started adopting that sneaky practice, and for that reason alone I have never become a Premium Member of Chess24, it just left a bad taste in my mouth. The ethical way to do business would be to send a reminder that your sub is coming to an end, and asking would you like to renew, consequently I am now wary of all paid sites.  

By the way, they never tell you up front that your Card will be automatically debited every month and I consider such a deliberate omission to be fraud. Moreover, their pricing policy is all over the place, there is no consistency. I assume that's their way of trying to boost membership, good luck to them, they don't even offer free Premium Membership to IM's like most similar sites do and it makes me wonder how many titled players actually play there as compared to say Chess.Com.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #29 - 05/08/20 at 05:21:19
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Stigma wrote on 05/08/20 at 02:20:53:
ou know one month of chess24 Premium membership is USD 12,99, right? If you can get all you need out of that Cuenca series (plus anything else you may be interested in) within a month, there's no need

It's a good suggestion but there is one other problem ....I don't speak Spanish!! However, if they release it in English I might just do as you suggest.
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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #28 - 05/08/20 at 02:20:53
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MW wrote on 05/08/20 at 02:01:11:
Stigma wrote on 05/08/20 at 00:50:54:
I think most people just get the premum membership to watch these videos anyway. That has to make sense pricewise unless you're only interested in one or two series.

Thanks for your help.....think I might just pass and wait for KIS 
1 c4 from Chessable. It is probably going to be better value as it will give a full repertoire coverage on the English for pretty much the same price!

You know one month of chess24 Premium membership is USD 12,99, right? If you can get all you need out of that Cuenca series (plus anything else you may be interested in) within a month, there's no need to worry about the individual series prices.

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Re: Keep It Simple 1.c4 by Sielecki
Reply #27 - 05/08/20 at 02:01:11
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Stigma wrote on 05/08/20 at 00:50:54:
I think most people just get the premum membership to watch these videos anyway. That has to make sense pricewise unless you're only interested in one or two series.

Thanks for your help.....think I might just pass and wait for KIS 
1 c4 from Chessable. It is probably going to be better value as it will give a full repertoire coverage on the English for pretty much the same price!
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