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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Report from accelerated Dragon event (Read 12015 times)
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #10 - 07/15/20 at 23:47:41
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bragesjo, what are the Weaknesses in Negis Book?

(typo fixed - moderator)
« Last Edit: 07/16/20 at 10:37:43 by MNb »  
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #9 - 07/12/20 at 15:44:29
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MNb wrote on 05/18/20 at 07:33:01:
1. What do you mean with the Parma Variation?
2. Have you given up on the ...e6 Sicilian, except perhaps in corr. chess (btw I can't remember whether you played the Kan, the Paulsen or the Taimanov)?
3. Have you considered replacing the Maroczy Bind with the Kalashnikov or do you prefer to avoid 3.Bb5?
4. Which line do you think most promising against the Maroczy Bind?

Thanks in advance.

Playing just one opening shortens your knowledge of positions. Unfortunately it is the way it is. Many many years ago I was playing the Najdorf. But it was The Dragon that really became my main defense against 1.e4. And it has always been like that. With wins, draws and loses whether it was blitz or tournament games. I combined it with the King's Indian Defense, Some Indo Benoni and even Benko structures. There has been a short time when I played Some Tartakower of the QGD. Also Semi-Slav Systems. But the KID has always been my main Defense as well as the Dragon. There was a time when I have tried 1.e4 e5 with black. I knew what to play. But I am a Sicilian player anyway. Always I came back to that. In some correspondence I have played Najdorf and Dragon. It has been a little while because I stopped playing it. Also for sometime I combined KID with Gruenfeld. Opening theory has developed so much that what it was good yesterday might not be good today. I found a lot of "nonsense chess" that today is played. Systems in which someone plays g4 or h4 or g5 or h5. So basically I had to learn how to counterpunch clowns that think that they are going to kill you right from move one.
I myself have spent hundreds of hours analyzing many Anti-Sicilians and critical lines of the Dragon. I am not finished. And I am still working on them. But trust me if I tell you that there is no better antidote that your own work. Especially when you play something that NOBODY recommends. I have pulled way too many people out of their books and crushed them with secondary lines. Especially in Anti Sicilians. Just to say I have put out of business The Morra, the Alapin, the Wing Gambit, and so on. I do not trust no GM course 100%. I have seen that GMs suggest you to play different things. But there is no deep analysis of those positions.
Honestly it is better to know well one defensive system against 1.e4 and another one against 1.d4. In case of the Dragon you have to know how to properly play it. Memory has a big role.
Also when you play positions you have to know the structures derived from them and see if you feel comfortable. Sometimes you have to do hard work in order to find the inner truth of them. Many get disappointed when they end up crushed. But it is because they didn't work hard enough to know the depths of those systems.
When Bragesjo mentions Negi's Books is because he finds tricks that favor black, But obviously one is not going to trust the books blindfolded. I myself don't. I have found many errors and bad advices. It's been said that because someone is a GM and writes a book " everybody has to believe it".
Also I forgot to mention there has been a time when I played French with mixed results. The same thing with the Budapest Gambit. But throughout my life. The KID and the Dragon have always been my main weapons. And I still work on them for improvements.

Also I uploaded a small gift from me.
« Last Edit: 07/12/20 at 17:15:57 by XChess1971 »  

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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #8 - 05/19/20 at 09:18:10
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Piotr Nyugen recommends 10...Nxd4 against both 10 Qd2 and 10 h4 in his Chessable course. I remember it looked interesting but risky, although it didn't seem like there was anything clear for White so long as Black is very careful.

Personally, I don't trust the Maroczy line with ...Ng4 and a later ...e5, although it's definitely interesting. I think the Gurgenidze is by far Black's most circumspect option, but obviously that wasn't available with the theme tournament's move order.
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #7 - 05/19/20 at 07:04:00
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bragesjo wrote on 05/18/20 at 18:39:37:
10 h4 is I line I never met even the Dragon prober days.

Slight correction, I actually met 10 h4 without noticing it in the thematial event and I played h5 and white played a later Nxc6 after I played Rc8 and the game became a draw later.
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #6 - 05/18/20 at 18:39:37
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MNb wrote on 05/18/20 at 09:03:51:
Ah thanks - now I remember. My memory gets worse every year. So I change my question:

1. Do you also play the Parma/Forintos Variation (I still think the Hungarian GM Gyorgy Forintos deserves the credit) also after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Bg7 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 O-O 8.Bb3 d6 9.f3 Bd7 10.h4!?

10 h4 is I line I never met even the Dragon prober days. I dont think Nxd4 works without the tempo Qd2, white is potentlly a tempo up so I assume that I would play h5 instead with the idea of playing Solits variation, a line I liked to play in the past and is fine for black and a line black wants to play. White does of course not have to cooperate and can play Nxc6 after Rc8 and reach one of my corr games in the event , that became a draw, by transposing.
« Last Edit: 05/18/20 at 19:43:00 by bragesjo »  
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #5 - 05/18/20 at 18:29:44
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1. What do you mean with the Parma Variation?
The line has been called Parma variation in in every Dragon book I own, But I have no idea why the varaiation got that name or who played are suggested it first or who the players are. For example I have read that Maroczy suggested c4  but never played Maroczy Bind himself.

2. Have you given up on the ...e6 Sicilian, except perhaps in corr. chess (btw I can't remember whether you played the Kan, the Paulsen or the Taimanov)?
To make long story short I did not like developments in Dragon proper in 9 several 0-0-0 lines so I swiched in to the oppostte of the Dragon, the Caro Kann. However I missed the exitment and then the book "The most flexbile Sicilian got I changed option to Taimanov but I never was complety happy with blacks position in the g3 system , my old line for white since over a decade. Also suddenly the Be3 Qf3 system appered from nowhere so I changed opening into French with the idea to remove some, but not all, d-pawn specials and so I could play 1 e6 vs 1 d4 as well. I also started to play Corr chess during that time.  However in over 75% of my gams I met exchange variation so I looked for other defences and in order to prepare for the event this thread was about I bought a couple of accelerated Dragon books where I like Panjawanis book since the repertouar works the thematical events move order and to my surprise I found the Ng4 Qxg4 Nxd4 Qd1 e5 variation playable and the book also had a practial line vs Morra gambit and an intersting line vs c3 sicilian and since accelerted is a g6 opening I can play g6 setups vs some anti siclian move orders without getting move ordered in an other sicilian variation.

3. Have you considered replacing the Maroczy Bind with the Kalashnikov or do you prefer to avoid 3.Bb5?
I prefere to avoid 3 Bb5. The reason are that typical clubplayers  rarely enters open Sicilian unless rated over 2100 elo so I am willing to play some lines that might be slightly better for the opponnet to play just in case I play vs some stronger players.

4. Which line do you think most promising against the Maroczy Bind?
Is a matter of taste black has actually several reasonalbe systems. I play Ng4 Qxg4 Nxd4 Qd1 e5 system since it is the most provactive line. But to make it clear I would never play it in a rated Corr game but I was willing to play in thematical event and I have played in in  several over the board games as well with mixed results. In Corr games I play an anti computer like in French, Winaver with b6 since computers are cluesless in the opening and thinks that Qg4 wins by force. Vs d4 I usually play Bogo Indian and nobody ever allows the Nimzo Indian. I have also tried Ragozin in a few games and I also started play Ragozin in over the board games as main defence since I found none e6 commited setups more effective vs something clubplayers usually plays in over the board games like Colle or London.
« Last Edit: 05/19/20 at 07:01:44 by bragesjo »  
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #4 - 05/18/20 at 09:03:51
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Ah thanks - now I remember. My memory gets worse every year. So I change my question:

1. Do you also play the Parma/Forintos Variation (I still think the Hungarian GM Gyorgy Forintos deserves the credit) also after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 g6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Bg7 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.Be3 Nf6 7.Bc4 O-O 8.Bb3 d6 9.f3 Bd7 10.h4!?

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
GC Lichtenberg
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #3 - 05/18/20 at 08:29:49
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kylemeister wrote on 06/14/17 at 20:57:44:
I mentioned it when this came up before, but I think of 10. Bb3 Nxd4 followed by ...b5 as "Parma's equalizing finesse," because that's what David Levy called it in The Sicilian Dragon (1972).

This is what a google search brought up re: the Parma Variation, from an older thread.

edit: 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 g6 5 Nc3 Bg7 6 Be3 Nf6 7 Bc4 0-0 8 Bb3 d6 9 f3 Bd7 10 Qd2 Nxd4 11 Bxd4 b5
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Re: Report from accelerated Dragon event
Reply #2 - 05/18/20 at 07:33:01
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1. What do you mean with the Parma Variation?
2. Have you given up on the ...e6 Sicilian, except perhaps in corr. chess (btw I can't remember whether you played the Kan, the Paulsen or the Taimanov)?
3. Have you considered replacing the Maroczy Bind with the Kalashnikov or do you prefer to avoid 3.Bb5?
4. Which line do you think most promising against the Maroczy Bind?

Thanks in advance.

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: Report form accelerated Dragon event
Reply #1 - 05/18/20 at 06:09:44
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A bit off topic but I have been starting to play online chess that is no corr chess again for the first time in over 10 years. I play at Lichess since Swedish clubs has started two unofficial Swedish Chess Team competions there, one 3+0 blitz (not realy rated  blitz according to FIDE standard since FIDE rules says more than 3 minutes and less than 10 minutes per player based on 60 moves if increment is used) and one rapid. 
The team competitions are separated from each other and have differnet organzers and have different teams in corresponding divisions. Both competitions have different division where teams can go up or down a division and each team consist of players from the same club. My club currently plays in the highest division in rapid but one of the lower in blitz. We have also played our club championship in Blitz Arena at Lichess.

I have started to play Accelerated Dragon as my main defence vs 1 e4 in using the thematical move order above above, both in team competion and also in other online games and its appears to be a very practial opening even if some lines may be theortical better for white. And I play Parma variation vs Bc4 yugoslav. I have also started to try out new openings with the black pieces too like Ragozin Defence. However I don't use accelerated Dragon as main defence in corr games.
« Last Edit: 05/18/20 at 07:29:32 by MNb »  
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Report from accelerated Dragon event
05/18/20 at 06:09:35
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I played in thematial accelerated Dragon event at ICCF. The thematical move order was 1 e4 c5 2 Nf3 g6 3 d4 cxd4 4 Nxd4 Bg7.

I will not post any games or give any names since they are secrect to the public according to tournament rules. We had bad luck in the event that one player who has supposed to play did not join the event, thus 8 games instead of 10 games.

I played Maroczy Bind in every white games, half wins and half draws. I did not play optimal in the opening in some draws and I did not even care to look in my books in the opening fase, I used my memory and some special lines I had played before in over the board games.

I was expecting to meet Maroczy Bind in my black games, especially since the early Nxd4 system is ruled out since white can play Be3 in the events move order. But no one played that against me but in the completed games this far I have seen that they played vs other players.
Instead I met Bc4 yugoslav in half of the games and irregular lines in the other half of the games. I won he irregular lines games.

I knew Negis books about Bc4 yugoslav weaknesss vs the Dragon proper so I aimed and also played these lines since I suspected that opponnets used that book, but it is not clear if they actually used it. I got draws in these games without any troubles particullary in one game where Negis book and computers initieally likes whites position, based on extra pawn, but it is impossble to improve the position. But when I think of it it would have been better to play vs Negi books weakness vs accelerted move order since there are a major improvment in Parma variation too where black sacrifices a pawn for long lasting compensation and white has no play at all.

The event is not completed yet by I have no games left. My place in this event is dependent on two other playes games vs each other. If they win 1 game each I get 3rd place. One win and one draw or 2 wins by the same player I get 2nd place and 2 draws I get shared 1st place. But frankly I dont care about place in this event since my plan is to stop play in thematical events and play rated events instead.
« Last Edit: 05/18/20 at 07:30:54 by bragesjo »  
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