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Hot Topic (More than 10 Replies) Four Knights - for Novice Players? (Read 7920 times)
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #15 - 06/22/20 at 12:00:36
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That was a good read. Thanks!
I live in Fairfax city, VA, USA. We saw action during the Civil War. A Confederate Cavalry group raided the city in the middle of the night. It was occupied by a Union general, his troops, supplies, horses and his 14 year old mistress who he dressed in a Uniform and let her parade in front of the soldiers. He was caught with his pants down by the Confederates late at night and was captured. The Rebels also grabbed all the supplies and horses they could manage. The troops ran away. The next day the newspapers asked President Lincoln about it. He said,

"Well, I can always make another general but I sure miss those horses!"
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #14 - 06/22/20 at 10:40:49
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cathexis wrote on 06/21/20 at 13:45:09:
I had to look up, "Eskilstuna." Poor St. Eskil! Stoned to death by Pagan Vikings!

Tuna is an old ancient and forgotten Swedish word for marketplace. Several old swedish towns has tuna as part of the name like Sigtuna. In Eskilstuna we have Zoo called "Parken Zoo". Later a shopping centre was build very close to it and they named it "Tuna Park". We have also local sausages marked with the english words "Taste Tuna" and they dont taste fish...

Swedish history is by the way full a semi funny things. During Napoleon wars Sweden lost Finland to Russia. Sweden and Finland was the same country for several hundreds of years. The king was fired and the nobles selected one of Napoleons Field Marshals called Bernadotte as the new King. He is the direct ancestor to the Swedish Royal House. He was belived to lead the army east to retake Finland. He saw that it was impossible so instead he lead to army west and conquered Norway from Denmark. But it endup in an a Union with Norway instead.  When Norway became independent the first new King was a direct decens from House Bernadotte on hes mothers side. I do by the way descent from House of Bernadotte on two illegitime lines.
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #13 - 06/21/20 at 13:45:09
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I had to look up, "Eskilstuna." Poor St. Eskil! Stoned to death by Pagan Vikings! Thank you for your suggestions and thanks to all who replied as well. If I ever invent an opening variation I am going to name it, "Eskilstuna" just to make everyone have to look it up. (haha).
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #12 - 06/19/20 at 17:30:35
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An other book is Openings for Ameuters. It goes for Spanish four knighs and 00 vs Nd4.
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #11 - 06/19/20 at 16:59:11
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Obudchuks book is not good vs Nd4 where he gives Bc4 where white must take great risks to avoid a forced draw.

Lakdawalas book is a typical Lakdawala book but good introduktion. It was my first book the opening.

Best book on Spanish version is Khalifmans book.

Best book on Scotch version is Keep it simple 1 e4 book.
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #10 - 06/19/20 at 09:41:25
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GabrielGale wrote on 06/19/20 at 05:25:10:
There is also an older book in complete games format: Andrey Obudchuk, The Four Knights Game 2011.
Of course the 4 Knights may/can lead to the Halloween Gambit for a bit of fun esp around end of October.

I didnt think the Obudchuk book had reviewed particularly well?

In addition to that one there is also the Lakdawala book on the four knights. However, i would think both the Sielecki book, and the Squeezing e4 e5 one are not just more recent but of higher quality judging by the comments of some of the posters on here?

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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #9 - 06/19/20 at 05:25:10
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There is also an older book in complete games format: Andrey Obudchuk, The Four Knights Game 2011.
Of course the 4 Knights may/can lead to the Halloween Gambit for a bit of fun esp around end of October.
A Year With Nessie ...... aka GM John Shaw's The King's Gambit (
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #8 - 06/15/20 at 12:58:31
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Thanks for these great links MNb! Coincidentally, I too have started getting interested in this classic opening. And of course, I fully agree it's a good choice for the OP!
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #7 - 06/15/20 at 09:14:02
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The Kenilworthian has also a few articles on the Spanish Four Knights:

Of course anyone contemplating (like me) taking up 4.Bb5 needs the book discussed in

I find it highly interesting that ideas have been developed to make Black's life harder thatn it used to be in the Rubinstein (4...Nd4).

The book had the effect good books usually have: it made the stupids more stupid, the intelligent more intelligent and the other thousands of readers remained unchanged.
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #6 - 06/15/20 at 08:00:33
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At 1500 OTB I like it very much. I play both the Scotch and Spanish Four Knights. The book ' Squeezing 1.e4 e5' is a great book as a reference. It covers the sidelines way deeper than Sielecki's work. A line you are going to face very often from both move orders at the lower levels is: 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Nc3 Nf6 4. Bb5 d6
5. d4

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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #5 - 06/14/20 at 11:09:32
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I think the Four Knights , especially the Spanish, is great for beginners. I think it maybe a bit better than the Italian because of fewer move order issues. That said, I miss the Kenilworthian!!
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #4 - 06/14/20 at 10:21:09
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Yes, it is a sensible start. No probs there at all.

I'm reminded of this in the now-defunct Kenilworthian website:

The lines suggested there are also a good start.

« Last Edit: 06/14/20 at 11:31:57 by Bibs »  
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #3 - 06/14/20 at 03:24:45
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The Four Knights is recommended by Sielecki in his excellent book of 2018 Keep it Simple 1 your opening choice is a good sound it, and as LeeRoth says have fun.

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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #2 - 06/13/20 at 21:59:07
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Re: Four Knights - for Novice Players?
Reply #1 - 06/13/20 at 14:39:57
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Why not the Four Knights?  It’s a great opening to start with.  Gets the pieces out, Knights before Bishops, pays attention to the center, gets the King to safety, offers lots to study:  Spanish lines, Scotch lines, Rubinstein, Glek....

I wouldn’t get too hung up on what opening you study and whether it’s the right one.  The key when starting out is to just be exposed to as much chess as possible.  Play and study.  Leave the dogma to the kids, and follow your muse.  After all, this is supposed to be fun.

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