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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #7 - 06/12/21 at 23:53:18
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Thanks for the link, it looks interesting but sadly I don't speak German.

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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #6 - 06/12/21 at 07:33:59
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TopNotch wrote on 06/12/21 at 03:37:34:
Then there is Danny King's recent King's Gambit DVD in which he made the Quaade-gambit the cornerstone of his Repertoire, but fails to consider one of it's most critical lines: 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Nc3 Nc6! intending 5.d4 g4 6.Bc4 gxf3 7.0-0  Nxd4! intending 8.Qxd4 Qg5 winning. This whole sequence is well known to modern theory, and a major reason why we rarely see the Quaade in tournament chess.

Check this repertoire:
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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #5 - 06/12/21 at 03:37:34
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Here is a copy of the Chessbase Forum Post, if anyone is interested:

Quote - I don't often comment here, but I have observed a disturbing trend especially with your Opening Repertoire DVD's, namely inexplicable omissions of important lines related to the recommended repertoire. In this latest offering Pruijssers & Zwirs somehow fail to consider a big mainline in their repertoire against the Dragon, namely:

1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6 6.Be3 Bg7 7.f3 0-0 8.Qd2 Nc6 9.0-0-0 d5 10.exd5 Nxd5 11.Nxc6 bxc6 12.Bd4 Bxd4 13.Qxd4 Qb6 14.Na4 Now they only consider 14...Qc7 and forget completely to look at the equally important 14...Qa5!? This is a very very strange oversight, and I hope it's not indicative of the thoroughness in which they  treat the other Sicilian systems. I am growing weary of these Opening Repertoires promising to be complete but always missing obvious and important lines. Jan Werle was guilty of the same thing in his 3 part Sicilian effort, offering the following: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Nxd7 5.0-0 Ngf6 6.Re1 e6 7.c3 Be7 8.d4 0-0 9.e5 and now only considers 9... dxe5 10.dxe5 Nd5 when 9...Ne8!? is well tested and known to be theoretically dead equal for more than 3 decades see Szmetan vs Tal. Then there is Danny King's recent King's Gambit DVD in which he made the Quaade-gambit the cornerstone of his Repertoire, but fails to consider one of it's most critical lines: 1.e4 e5 2.f4 exf4 3.Nf3 g5 4.Nc3 Nc6! intending 5.d4 g4 6.Bc4 gxf3 7.0-0  Nxd4! intending 8.Qxd4 Qg5 winning. This whole sequence is well known to modern theory, and a major reason why we rarely see the Quaade in tournament chess. I brought this to his attention on You Tube but only after pointing out yet another important omission did he respond to say that he would fix it in a follow up Kings gambit Toolbox DVD for Chessbase, in the meantime he continues to do his promo tour on Youtube with Power Play 27 The Kings Gambit episode 5, when I would have thought that fixing these omissions should be taking priority. 

This brings me to my final thought, does Chessbase not Beta Test these Opening DVD's to catch such omissions and hand them back to the authors to fix before releasing to the consumer. This lack of oversight is encouraging presenters to turn in shoddy work, and it is becoming the norm rather than the exception, in general I like Chessbase products so take my complaints seriously and as an opportunity to get things right in the future or risk losing a loyal customer.

Sincerely yours,
Concerned Consumer - End Quote

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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #4 - 06/12/21 at 03:33:46
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I eventually got these DVD's but was so annoyed by some sloppy and important omissions in the Dragon coverage, that I found it difficult to take any of the analysis seriously after that and never got around to examining the coverage of the other systems. These Opening DVD's also mark the last such purchases by me from Chessbase, as they lack quality control and more and more the authors turn in shoddy unchecked work that is then passed onto the public.

I was so angry I posted a blistering review in their forum pointing out the many flaws in their recent DVD's and it was promptly deleted by one of their moderators. I guess the truth hurts as Ben Finegold would say.

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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #3 - 06/11/21 at 17:47:02
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I have played theire recommendatios vs Najdorf in a few rated Correspondence Chess games at ICCF. The lines probebly works in over the board games but in it had several omitted lines in different h5 lines here black eqalices complety with very lite for white to play for.  I won some games where black played some less critical options .

I also played theire lines in a few over the board games and theire it works fine so good in over the board but toothless in Correspondence Chess if black plays some of the better options.
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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #2 - 06/17/20 at 21:14:48
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How much of this is cultural? It must be incredibly difficult to make videos in only a few languages that will appeal to a worldwide audience. Even more so as (a) chess skill and presenting skill don't necessarily overlap, and (b) we fully expect the chess content to be produced by the presenter.

I remember initially watching The Holocaust (USA produced television miniseries) in France, dubbed in French. For Michael Moriarty's German character they chose a deep guttural voice. Later I saw it again in English, and was shocked how differently I viewed the character in Moriarty's own softer and higher voice. At the time I thought the French producers did this intentionally because they couldn't allow for any complexity in the German role, but today I wonder if it's entirely my bias against deep voices (except my own of course).

I don't suppose chess has anything like test screening for videos, but somebody has to be making the call: yes, okay, that will work. Is it just one person deciding for all ChessBase DVDs? What are their criteria? I have a suspicion these videos are so low-risk they will greenlight just about anything.
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Re: Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
Reply #1 - 06/17/20 at 20:23:44
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Straggler wrote on 06/17/20 at 12:33:40:
ChessBase have released a 3-DVD repertoire for White in the Open Sicilian by GM Roeland Pruijssers and IM Nico Zwirs. A lot of English Attack stuff: it reminds me of Shaw's repertoire for Quality Chess, or Bologan's old DVDs. There's a special offer if you buy all three plus a fourth one on typical tactics.

I might be tempted by this if it were Pruijssers alone, but I don't understand the current fad for having two presenters. Sometimes it works (Simon Williams is good at being the stooge) but more often it's embarrassing (e.g. Fiona Steil-Antoni's girly giggling alongside Alex Astaneh Lopez). In the introductory videos Pruijssers and Zwirs' teamwork is less than polished, and I suspect this could get annoying. Maybe it gets better as they get into the actual content, but how are we to know?

I didn't think much about this after watching the promotional video clips, but you make some excellent points, and I definitely think it would become unbearably annoying if the actual videos are anything like that. However the subject matter is so irresistibly titillating that I am certain to talk myself into getting these eventually. In any case it could hardly be worse than suffering through Pavel Eljanov Breyer dvd, I am still unable to bring myself to finish watch it and just use the attached pgn/cbh files instead, easier on the ears that way.

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Pruijssers & Zwirs repertoire for White
06/17/20 at 12:33:40
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ChessBase have released a 3-DVD repertoire for White in the Open Sicilian by GM Roeland Pruijssers and IM Nico Zwirs. A lot of English Attack stuff: it reminds me of Shaw's repertoire for Quality Chess, or Bologan's old DVDs. There's a special offer if you buy all three plus a fourth one on typical tactics.

I might be tempted by this if it were Pruijssers alone, but I don't understand the current fad for having two presenters. Sometimes it works (Simon Williams is good at being the stooge) but more often it's embarrassing (e.g. Fiona Steil-Antoni's girly giggling alongside Alex Astaneh Lopez). In the introductory videos Pruijssers and Zwirs' teamwork is less than polished, and I suspect this could get annoying. Maybe it gets better as they get into the actual content, but how are we to know?
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