pirc kid wrote on 09/29/20 at 06:52:42:
I didnt like neither the lines where Black plays quickly d5+c5 where you end up in a sort of reversed Benko.
I have enjoyed and scored quite well in Reversed Grunfelds instead, if you haven't taken a look yet.
pirc kid wrote on 09/29/20 at 06:52:42:
Nor the lines when after 1.Nf3 Nf6 2.g3 g6 3.b3 Bg7 4.Bb2 d6 5.d4 and Black can interfere with a quick c5, even followed by Qa5+ and you have to put something on d2 now.
Yes, this is the problem, agreed.
pirc kid wrote on 09/29/20 at 06:52:42:
(f.e. I like some ideas of Svane and Meier in the KID-lines)
I'll check out Svane, thanks!
pirc kid wrote on 09/29/20 at 06:52:42:
I decided to go for the symmetrical Grunfeld anyway. It is the most complicated and demanding part in Sieleckis repertoire in my opinion and a lot of work, but that exactly is its strength, especially the Qc1-lines of the c5-mainline more and more feels like my private territory and -at least in my recent online games- even strong titled players mess this up a lot.
Yeah I think at some point I'll have to just settle on going 6.c4, picking a seventh move, and then force myself to love it.
MNb wrote on 09/29/20 at 08:05:53:
You also could allow yourself some hooliganry and play 2.h4; some pretty strong players have tried it.
I have never outright rejected hooliganry OR tomfoolery.