Here is a post that was made on this forum recently:
It is peppered with thinly veiled jibes at my stupidity
MNb wrote on 03/09/21 at 03:57:05:
It should be unnecessary, but especially for you I'll add a disclaimer
patronising personal comments
MNb wrote on 03/09/21 at 03:57:05:
you have demonstrated in the past that you can do much better.
and name-calling
MNb wrote on 03/09/21 at 03:57:05:
This is not the first time this forum member has made a personal attack on me. Another example notable for its gratuitously insulting content was posted last year. Here is a sample of it:
MNb wrote on 05/14/20 at 15:11:58:
But you fail to notice that that's not what chessplayers mean with winning move.
So let me quote the Simpsons:
To make sure I’m not being unfair to the poster, I’ve looked in the online version of the Oxford Dictionary, where the entry for ‘duh’ reads: ‘Used to comment on a foolish or stupid action, especially someone else’s’.
Publicly insulting and humiliating strangers on the internet is not a harmless game. Those who make spiteful and derogatory posts cannot know the circumstances of the individual they’re bullying – because bullying is what this is – nor how harmful their abuse might be for all manner of reasons. At a time when so many of us are suffering the debilitating effects of social isolation due to lockdown, it’s an especially insensitive and cruel way to behave towards another human being.
This forum is lightly policed because contributors generally behave in a mature and responsible manner, but regrettably there are those who take advantage of this to abuse others. It’s unacceptable and needs to stop.
Enough is enough. I have decided to withdraw from this forum. This is a step I’m sad to take. The overwhelming majority of people here are polite and respectful, able to engage in debate and discussion without resorting to personal attacks, and also generous with their time and advice in helping others, but I don’t intend to leave myself exposed to further abuse from this individual. I no longer wish to remain part of a community where abusive behaviour is passively condoned through a failure of action to stop it, and where those who choose to make for themselves a platform to bully, humiliate and belittle others can do so without hindrance or censure.