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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #7 - 12/27/21 at 23:31:36
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Just a note to your link to the errata page. No need to handwrite, you can easily highlight and copy to plain text or whatever and have a printable, digital document that is much less work and more easily stored and shared. Also, the author specifically says at the bottom of the article: 

Use anything you want from this page

So, no probs. Hope this helps.

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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #6 - 12/04/21 at 20:09:14
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iggistiv wrote on 12/04/21 at 18:34:26:
Thanks for all your suggestions.  The Snape and Pandolfini books look like they'd be great for this little exercise.  I was hoping to get some visualization training while doing this, so I'm staying away from the forward chess, but a tablet with some sort of kindle is a fantastic idea.  Those Ken Neat books rare and kinda expensive, but they look pretty good too.

I have a Kindle Fire 10 HD and use it as described.  The current version is typically about $100 when on sale. If you sideload the Google Play store you can add Forward Chess etc. (or anything built for "real" Android phones and tablets).  Good luck with brushing up on your endgames!
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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #5 - 12/04/21 at 18:34:26
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Thanks for all your suggestions.  The Snape and Pandolfini books look like they'd be great for this little exercise.  I was hoping to get some visualization training while doing this, so I'm staying away from the forward chess, but a tablet with some sort of kindle is a fantastic idea.  Those Ken Neat books rare and kinda expensive, but they look pretty good too.
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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #4 - 10/27/21 at 17:56:30
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an ordinary chessplayer wrote on 10/27/21 at 14:49:26:
You could get a cheap Android tablet (similar size to a book), and an e-book app, thus giving you a wide selection of recent titles. No problems following along in the app from one of the chess publishers (e.g. Forward Chess but not Kindle).

Agreed. I bought an Lenovo 7" tablet for about $100 at Walmart.

In addition to Forward Chess, Gambit Chess and Everyman Chess also have endgame books that you can view and play through on your tablet. With an integrated board, you get a diagram with every move.
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an ordinary chessplayer
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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #3 - 10/27/21 at 14:49:26
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iggistiv wrote on 10/25/21 at 18:48:52:
Ideally, the book would have lots of diagrams

This is almost never done, because diagrams in a printed book are very expensive compared to notation. But Ken Smith was willing to do it.
  • Ken Smith Making Chess Endings Easy to Study beware it's in the old descriptive notation
  • Jeremy Silman Essential Chess Endings Explained Move By Move Volume One Novice Thru Intermediate
  • Ken Smith Essential Chess Endings Explained Move By Move Volume Two Intermediate Thru Master

You could get a cheap Android tablet (similar size to a book), and an e-book app, thus giving you a wide selection of recent titles. No problems following along in the app from one of the chess publishers (e.g. Forward Chess but not Kindle).
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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #2 - 10/27/21 at 10:31:47
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Another really short basic endgame book is Chess Endings Made Simple by Ian Snape.  I have a lot of these books but keep going back to Snape as a refresher.  It certainly isn't dry like so many of these books tend to be. The problem is that it may be too basic for what you are looking for.  The text and examples are simpler even than Essential Chess Endings by James Howell etc.  The problem is that depending on your level brushing up on theory really does require engaging with longer, harder, and more varied examples than those included in Snape.  That's why a lot of the simplified endgame books (Averbakh Essentials, Nunn's first book, Understanding Chess Endgames, Seirawan, Jesus de Villa etc.) do include more examples.  Perhaps one of the best uses of an engine with tablebases is as a sparring partner for practical endgames.   

By the way, Chess Endgames for Kids by Muller is supposed to be good and may work even better than Snape for your purpose.  I haven't seen it  and wonder what others think.
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Re: Easy to Read Endgame Books
Reply #1 - 10/25/21 at 21:01:34
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Pandolfini's Endgame Course

You will have to handwrite the corrections found here:

It is still the best book that comes to mind for your purposes.

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Easy to Read Endgame Books
10/25/21 at 18:48:52
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Unlike the opening, the endgame doesn't always crop up in our games so we can get a continuous feedback loop for learning.  It an attempt to stay on top of the endgame study, I'm  looking for pithy books on the endgame that don't necessarily require a board to follow the author's message  Ideally, the book would have lots of diagrams and would be a practical physical size so it can be read while in bed or on the couch.  Any recommendations that fit this mold?  Thanks
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