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Very Hot Topic (More than 25 Replies) Chesspublishing on Gchess (Read 6684 times)
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #25 - 03/14/24 at 16:00:27
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I have been a lifetime sub to GChess as well and I especially liked that the chesspublishing material and the NIC Yearbook surveys were available in an easy way (I sold my collection of Yearbook hardcover editions two years ago  Embarrassed)
GChess now offered me a chessable yearly subscription first and later a quite generous voucher on
But I still decided to take just the refund.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #24 - 03/13/24 at 22:30:06
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I was a lifetime sub, and they gave me a generous credit on Chessable to purchase courses. So, while I am disappointed to see it go, I can at least report that they made a good faith effort for me.  I always subbed to chesspublishing here too so I can't speak to what they did in that case - but I think they provided Chessable credit and/or diamond membership credit to compensate for unused portions of subscriptions.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #23 - 03/13/24 at 13:19:41
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Nernstian59 wrote on 01/27/24 at 22:41:08: won't suffer the same fate because it wasn't part of Play Magnus

No, we're still independent!
Incidentally, did those gchess subscribers who had the ChessPublishing add-on get reimbursed?
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #22 - 01/28/24 at 00:01:24
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Yeah - I was very disappointed this happened.  Writing has been on the wall as after the acquisition they diverted people to other projects and let GChess languish - and even removed the ability to review your recent games.  

The Youtube video search ability was added to AimChess a while ago.  And Chessable obviously has the ability to search by position.  My guess is that decided that game review features would live on and aimchess and opening exploration and courses will live on chessable.  But you are starting to see links to chessable resources from game review on and I think Aimchess will direct to chessable from game reviews.  They have started migrating more of the everyman chess books to chessable.  One Gchess feature that has no other current home is the ability to search the archive of NIC yearbooks.  So hopefully they move that over to Chessable, maybe as a chessable pro feature.  GingerGM added a drill application on his GingerGM site to drill his opening courses.

But one of the strengths of GChess was that it was a great all-in-one resource for position search and game review.  I hope they get everything linked back up so we can search a position and get video, database, and course/book results easily again.

I don't think Simon Williams main GingerGM site was part of the acquisition - so my guess is those courses will remain only accessed from his site, except for the ones he has redone for Chessable.

Pity to see it get sidelined.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #21 - 01/27/24 at 22:41:08
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I received an email from GChess yesterday announcing the closure of their site, effective January 31st. This is an unfortunate development given how useful the GChess interface was when searching for a given opening position over multiple information sources, as noted in Reply #15 by mattchess.

The email stated that some of study tools of GChess will be merged into the features on its parent company, Also, there's a line in the email that could be considered worrisome: " aims to merge the best chess resources all under one website, and part of this process includes their decision to divert resources to their main website, resulting in the closure of the GChess website". Thus GChess and ichess, two of the companies that were part of the acquisition of the Play Magnus Group by, will be gone as of Jan 31. I wonder if other parts of the acquisition such as Chessable, New in Chess, or Everyman will also be subsumed into the juggernaut that is Fortunately, I think won't suffer the same fate because it wasn't part of Play Magnus, even though its information was searchable through GChess.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #20 - 08/20/22 at 19:27:18
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Happy to hear that GChess could be adding the older NIC Yearbooks.  That would be a nice development indeed!
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #19 - 08/19/22 at 16:52:58
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I just saw a comment on the GCHess discord that suggests they are planning to add older NIC yearbooks working their way backwards.  So that does seem to be coming, which is nice.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #18 - 08/17/22 at 21:38:37
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@mattchess - Thanks for the information.  I must have overlooked Attacking Chess: The French previously because it now appears among the results when I repeated the search.  Your comment about the possibility of an incomplete library of Everyman books seems to be accurate.  Play the French again wasn't in the search results, even though it's available as an e-book.   

Limiting the accessible NIC Yearbook surveys to those that are available electronically makes sense.  That's basically low-hanging fruit for GChess since the can just use or convert NIC's files.  As you note, we'll have to see if any of the earlier Yearbooks become available.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #17 - 08/16/22 at 01:29:00
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For NIC they only have the yearbooks that were available electronically - so the same ones you would get on the NIC yearbook e-reader.  Maybe they will eventually convert the older ones. But right now, I think that the earliest are 2016.

I know that Attacking Chess: The French is in their library.  But I am not sure if they have the full library of Everyman Chess books yet.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #16 - 08/16/22 at 00:10:56
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@mattchess - Do you have access to the entire run of NIC Yearbook surveys on GChess?  I recently searched the position after 7.Qg4 in the mainline French Winawer on GChess and only got hits going back to 2016.  Searching the same position on the New in Chess website revealed several surveys in the years 1990 - 2012 that don't show up in the GChess results.  Perhaps I'm limited in what I see since I don't have a premium membership.   

Something similar happens when I look for the same position in GChess' list of Everyman books.  Such obvious examples as John Watson's Play the French and Simon Williams' Attacking Chess: The French don't appear in the search results.
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #15 - 08/15/22 at 17:41:23
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I should have mentioned this sooner - but GChess now also offers Everyman Chess ebooks searchable through the GChess interface.  I've been really happy with GChess.  Great for reviewing my games and also for looking up references for a given position (ChessPub material, New in Chess Yearbook surveys, Everyman Chess books, youtube videos, GingerGM courses, Chessable courses, opening encyclopedia, and the OpeningMaster database (OTB + correspondence).
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #14 - 01/26/22 at 07:29:10
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Works for me too. A great feature !

48 yo, 1920 elo
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #13 - 01/25/22 at 23:37:38
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Yes I am up and running - thanks very much
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #12 - 01/25/22 at 14:35:03
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Apparently all 12-section (Gold Plus) subscribers should now be able to access the ChessPublishing material on gchess Smiley Let me know here if there are any problems
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Re: Chesspublishing on Gchess
Reply #11 - 01/20/22 at 09:00:44
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mattchess wrote on 01/17/22 at 16:30:49:
Yes please - that would be great.  Much appreciated.

We're setting this up now, but it might take a while. If anyone wants access immediately then please drop me a line at: and I while sort it out. Smiley
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