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Re: Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White
Reply #5 - 04/20/22 at 01:13:43
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TCW has a sale going on and as near as I can tell there may be a glitch in their  "take 65% off" sale that finishes tonite.(??) I got 2 10+ hour courses (with practicum & pgns) where one was already knocked down 65% on the 1st day of the sale where you have to enter "EASTER65" at check out. But I might be wrong. If not, I will have to live with the guilt. Was supposed to finish last night but I just checked this morning and it is still on. FWIW.
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Re: Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White
Reply #4 - 04/19/22 at 19:57:13
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It's not really a Modern Chess course. It's a "partner product" - in this case published by TheChessWorld, but also sold by Modern Chess. Just thought I'd mention it.

I have plenty of videos/databases from both publishers. TCW isn't bad, but I do think Modern Chess' own courses have a higher standard on average, and also seem to target a higher-rated or more ambitious audience.
But then Sipke Ernst seems like a serious guy, and I haven't seen this Catalan work. It could be excellent for all I know.

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Re: Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White
Reply #3 - 04/19/22 at 16:17:02
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This must be 6.Nc3 instead of 6.0-0 in the main line.
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Re: Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White
Reply #2 - 04/19/22 at 16:08:41
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From the Modern Chess page:
Dodge the Mainstream Theory – GM Ernst shows how to eliminate at least 75% of opening preparation by playing 6.Nc6!?, a perfectly sound move that has been tested by some of the top players, yet is nearly never seen at the club level.

This looks like a Chessle challenge! What Catalan move order can lead to 6.Nc6 ? assuming it starts with something like  1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.g3, it's already too late for Nd4-c6.
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Re: Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White
Reply #1 - 04/19/22 at 14:31:35
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Because I got no response I bought the course myself!  Smiley
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Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White
03/21/22 at 14:14:55
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Catalan: Definitive Repertoire for White with GM Sipke Ernst

Does anyone have this course from Modern Chess? Impressions?
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