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Re: King's Kalashnikov
Reply #5 - 01/03/23 at 11:02:22
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I played some lines in Correspondence Chess and I can give a small comment. The Chessable course has appently had a big hole that c4 Be6 N5c3 is not covered at all. And that move is computer top line. The book covers it writting in was in 5 of 10000 games. He then gave a line quoting a single game and single line. In Correspondence Chess I met in in several games and they diverse from the cover line fast. However I played some computer aided moves and games became very good KID like positions where black is fine, only draws this far. I can not post any games or show any lines yet since I have ongoing games.
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Re: King's Kalashnikov
Reply #4 - 09/03/22 at 11:57:48
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The book is based on the Chessable course (I dont have it but book says so) with a few improvments after feedback on the course and developments. I have not read or computer checked the book yet but it an amazing layout.
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Re: King's Kalashnikov
Reply #3 - 07/17/22 at 08:29:35
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shuda2 wrote on 07/14/22 at 18:19:12:
The main reason for my concern was the line 5.Nb5,d6 6.c4 where King proposes 6...Be6. I always thought that 6...Be7 was the main line. I've done a bit more digging now using chessbase live and good old chesspublishing and I'm a little more reassured though still not entirely convinced. I think the best solution is to try 6...Be6 in suitable online games and see whether I can get comfortable with it.

Quoting from his course:


As usual, this is an excellent square for the bishop, covering the d5 square and also looking at the c4 pawn.
The older way of playing this position was 6...Be7 7.N1c3 a6 8.Na3 Be6 9.Nc2 Bg5 10.Be2 Bxc1 11.Rxc1. While it is positionally sound to exchange off these bishops I feel it loses too much time, allowing White to develop rapidly and establish strong control in the centre.

For reference, I invite you to look up the game Carlsen-Hou, Tata Steel 2015 where Black was reduced to passivity.
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Re: King's Kalashnikov
Reply #2 - 07/14/22 at 18:19:12
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The main reason for my concern was the line 5.Nb5,d6 6.c4 where King proposes 6...Be6. I always thought that 6...Be7 was the main line. I've done a bit more digging now using chessbase live and good old chesspublishing and I'm a little more reassured though still not entirely convinced. I think the best solution is to try 6...Be6 in suitable online games and see whether I can get comfortable with it.
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YaBB Newbies

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Re: King's Kalashnikov
Reply #1 - 07/14/22 at 10:36:33
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I own King`s chessable course. Which lines are confusing you?

In general I found his analysis of good quality but have to admit that I have not played the Kalashnikov for more than 30 years.
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YaBB Newbies

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King's Kalashnikov
07/08/22 at 16:54:10
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Has anyone with more experience of the opening had a good look at King's new book or his chessable video and got an opinion of them, please?

I'm a big fan of Danny King's previous stuff, he's done some excellent work imo, but I'm puzzled by these as in several of the key lines he's giving variations that are quite different from many other sources, which seems strange. I'd like to know more about this opening but I don't know it very well and this is confusing to me. Any help appreciated!
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