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Normal Topic Philidor Gambit in the KGA (Read 815 times)
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Re: Philidor Gambit in the KGA
Reply #2 - 10/17/22 at 12:46:32
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Interestingly enough, Na5 seems not to be only meant to trade with Nxc4, but to also play c6 followed by d5 at some point. It seems as if White and Black both have many options which range from a mild+= to = in this line, and there are few concrete variations.

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Re: Philidor Gambit in the KGA
Reply #1 - 10/17/22 at 12:34:14
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1. e4 e5 2. f4 ef4 3. Nf3 g5 4. Bc4 Bg7 5. h4 h6 6. d4 d6 7. Nc3 Nc6 8. Qd3 g4 9. Ng1 f3 10. Be3 seems reasonable. Now 10...fxg2 11. Rh2 is pretty obvious.

Here I might develop another piece: 11...Bd7, 11...Nge7, or 11...Nf6. However, Stockfish 14 claims an advantage to Black after 11...Na5. It seems unnatural to move and trade one of two developed pieces, but White's light-squared Bishop is an important attacking piece. The position remains complicated.
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YaBB Newbies

I Love ChessPublishing!

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Philidor Gambit in the KGA
10/17/22 at 11:13:49
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Over the past summer, I spent some time looking at 4...Bg7 variation in the 4.Bc4 KGA Classical, and wondered if there were any alternatives to the "normal" Hanstein Gambit with c3 and a later Qa4-b3 (discussed previously on this forum), where play was instead centered on the kingside and center. This variation caught my eye: 5.h4 h6 6.d4 d6 7.Nc3 Nc6 8.Qd3. The idea is to exchange pawns and rooks on the h file, then play e5 threatening Qh7. I did some basic analysis for some of the variations, and focused on the "computer main line" 8...g4 9.Ng1 f3, which John Shaw also recommends in his King's Gambit book, but instead of 10.gxf3 I found 10.Be3 instead. This variation seems to lead to dynamically balanced positions with plenty of play, even when queens are traded sometimes, and there are many variations that even the engine thinks is pretty much equal. For reference, the other variations I looked at where 8...Bg4, Bd7, Nb4, and Na5. Does this variation seem to be a good alternative to the Hanstein?

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