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Re: New Dragon DVDs by Ward
Reply #1 - 10/28/22 at 10:45:21
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I was about to come on here and ask the same question. I saw Chris had a DVD out earlier this year but was waiting for the other DVDs in the set to come out first. I hadn't realised they were now available until a few days ago.

I will get them at some point, I like his presentation generally and like a lot of Brits, his books on the dragon where hugely influential to my chess. Also because he is still writing the dragon section here he is well placed to know a lot of the latest developments.

However, the start of the video he does add a sort of disclaimer that he is focusing on the key themes rather than the theory, so I expect it to be a little light on that latter part.

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New Dragon DVDs by Ward
10/26/22 at 17:58:48
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I noticed Ward made Chessbase DVD series about Dragon.
I am not up to date on Dragon theory.
Anyone has it and can give comment about it?

Looked hastly to compare Giris line vs Bc4 and while Ward mention it the b5 move appers to be missing on comments like previus looken at while no game or line or on it. Main focus appers to be on traditionell lines like Soltis variation.
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