I'm kinda in the same boat as you... I haven't started a game since 2022. The last game finished a couple of months ago.
I made IM which was my ultimate goal and I did it under the impossible system before any changes designed to make it easier. And I did it without a single invite to a worthwhile tournament of any kind.
ICCF unfortunately operates like an old boys club to a large degree; to get the events you want, gain rating etc you need to be invited to the right events. In over a decade on ICCF (and over 15 years in correspondence writ large), I NEVER once was invited to a single event ever. Meanwhile to any event the US gains spots to, you know that the entire US organizing body gets first shot + any of their sons so that's already a list of 20 - the same 20 every time - that get invited.
I even won my entry into the WCCC Semifinals which should have started in June 2023. For that reason, I was tying up all my others games to JUST focus on that ONE event and give it my all. Then the federation found a technicality to not include me in the event - saying I'd be welcome next year! Yet between their shitty attitude and how badly they treat all their players and not wanting to wait another year - as computers improve dramatically year over year now... I find myself retired(?). It wasn't a conscious choice but the current ICCF system is a bleeping mess.
I'm ~2425 and if my rating drops below 2420 then literally my available options of events to play drops to 0. So I have to cautiously guard my rating like crazy since I don't get any juicy invites from the federation and they don't honor the events you win your way into.
I've played over 1100 correspondence games in 15 years. In my last 70 games, I won 3 and lost 0 and drew
67 . Of the 70, I was never in trouble of losing or getting a worse position ever; in half of the 70, I was making significant progress - often winning a pawn or an exchange but the computer can still find simple ways to hold the draw. Of the 3 I won, one opponent straight up blundered in a dead draw (albeit complicated position if he didn't want the draw; he had no way to play for advantage and so should take the draw). One opponent was 1700. The other person, I just outplayed start to finish.
bragesjo wrote on 09/15/23 at 06:32:09:
ICCF made som rating rules changes now in 2023 but it does not change anything, it even made thing worse.
I haven't had time to finish reading this document... guess I'm not surprised it made things worse but quite sad.
They simply should hold more events for people of similar rating but they don't because they love their closed system of juicy invites for friends and family only. Something must change or computers will end this sport.
I kinda thought of myself as playing this sport well into my retirement... but somehow it disappeared without me missing it.