Kerangali wrote on 10/01/23 at 07:50:18:
re Bc1 McCutcheon: indeed it's been a pet line of many Bg5 players, glad it gets new attention + computer approval. I'm sure it was in Psakhis/Watson books of the past century, more "old-fashioned" here.
Kerengali - Thanks for pointing out how old 8.Bc1 is. You inspired me to check for it in my oldest MacCutcheon book, TD Harding's
French: MacCutcheon and Advance Lines (1979), and sure enough, 8.Bc1 is covered. One line given by Harding is the same 8...c5 9.Ne2 Qa5 10.f3 Nxc3 11.Qd2 that Watson warned against (See Reply #5). Harding cites the game Türn-Keres, Tallinn 1935, where Black was already in trouble at this early stage. This is the oldest game with 8.Bc1 in the Mega Database.
Harding also gives 10...Ng5 (instead of 10...Nxc3), continuing with 11.h4 Nh7 and noting that Black was able to hold the draw in Bednarski-Minev, Varna 1968. This is the line that was played in the game recently highlighted in the ChessBase Live Ticker. So this line is at least 50 years old, but as you point out, it's getting new attention.
Although I was already aware of 6.Bc1 as an alternative to the main move 8.Bd2, the delayed retreat to c1 on move 8 was unknown to me, and I appreciate your information on its history.